Homemade Preparation For Removing Yellowing Nails

Yellowish nails can appear for several reasons. But the properties of the ingredients in this homemade preparation will restore its natural tone.
Homemade preparation for removing yellowish nails

The yellowish nails give an unpleasant appearance to our look. Having well-groomed hands, with clean and healthy nails, is synonymous with good habits. So, this time we are going to teach you how to eliminate the yellowish appearance of your nails, through a homemade preparation.

What Causes Yellow Nails?

What causes?
Fungal infections often cause yellow nails.

One might think that this yellowish color is the product of just the nail polishes used to paint them, but health imbalances also cause this problem.

  • Nutritional deficit : lack of nutrients leads to yellow nails. Having low levels of protein, minerals and vitamins is detrimental to your health. For example, it is vital to ensure that the daily diet includes vitamins A and B, calcium, iron, and zinc.
  • Fungi :

How to remove this unpleasant aspect of yellow nails

1. lemon

2. White vinegar or apple cider vinegar

  • Place in a bowl warm water and apple cider vinegar or white in the same proportion.

3. Sodium bicarbonate

  • For homemade preparation, mix in a bowl a tablespoon of olive oil, the juice of one lemon and the baking soda.

Mixing the 3 ingredients: homemade preparation for yellowish nails

Ingredient mix
This substance is excellent for use in natural remedies.

  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (9 grams).
  • ½ tablespoon of white vinegar (7.5 milliliters).
  • The juice of two lemons.

  • First, mix the ingredients in a bowl until you get a sandy paste. This will help you to exfoliate and lighten the area.
  • Finally, apply a moisturizer or a little cosmetic oil to prevent the skin from drying out. Repeat the procedure until the yellowish color is removed.

Is homemade preparation effective to completely eliminate yellowing nails?


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