Homemade Infusions To Reduce Abdominal Fat

By speeding up the metabolism, the infusion of honey and cinnamon is the perfect ally to burn fat, especially that accumulated in the abdominal region.
Homemade infusions to reduce abdominal fat

There are many ways to reduce abdominal fat, including the recommended healthy diet, physical exercise, body beauty treatments, among others.

Combining all these alternatives, we can achieve the ideal weight in a healthy way that gives us an attractive silhouette.

However, there are certain parts of our body where more fat is located than in others  and, normally, these are the regions where we find it more difficult to eliminate fat, and which require more dedication.

And without a doubt, the part of our body where we most accumulate fat is in the abdomen, being one of the regions where excess fat is noticed and the place where we most have to work with physical exercises to eliminate them.

Would you like to know about some infusions that help reduce abdominal fat? Read on and see!

Bee honey infusion to reduce abdominal fat

honey infusion to reduce abdominal fat

The infusion of honey and cinnamon has properties that improve the rate of metabolism and help burn fat, especially in the abdominal region. The ideal is to replace all types of sugar with honey and, in addition, take this infusion on an empty stomach and before bedtime.


  • 1 spoon of bee honey
  • ½ cinnamon powder
  • 1 cup of hot water

Method of preparation

  • Put a spoonful of honey and cinnamon in a cup of very hot water.
  • Stir all ingredients well and let stand for five minutes before drinking.
  • Consume this infusion for a week and you will begin to notice results.

lemon infusion

Lemon to reduce abdominal fat

Lemon is a food full of properties for our health, among them, it is effective, mainly, in fat burning and weight loss.

In the specific case of abdominal fat, it is one of the best allies, eliminating not only the fat, but also acting on deinflammation so that we can achieve a flat abdomen.


  • One lemon
  • a cup of hot water

Method of preparation

Squeeze the lemon into the cup with hot water and drink the infusion preferably on an empty stomach. To maximize its effect, you can add a little ginger, honey or green tea.

Infusion of bay leaves and sage

Sage infusion to reduce abdominal fat

This infusion not only aids in the elimination of abdominal fat, it also contributes to good digestion.


  • 5 bay leaves
  • 1 handful of sage leaves
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 liter of water

Method of preparation

  • First, put the water in a pot. When it boils, add the bay leaves, sage and cinnamon.
  • Simmer for another 15 minutes.
  • Then remove from heat, strain and wait for a few more minutes for the infusion to settle.

It is recommended to take it four to five days in a row.

Infusion of garlic with lemon

Garlic to reduce abdominal fat

Garlic is a food full of digestive properties, which help to stimulate intestinal transit, fight flatulence and deflate the belly.

In addition to these wonderful contributions to our health, it aids in weight loss and helps prevent many diseases.

As already mentioned, lemon is also effective in burning fat, aids in digestion and is purifying, thus favoring weight loss.

Combining these ingredients, we can get a powerful infusion for burning fat, but mainly for reducing abdominal fat.


  • 1 whole head of garlic
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 liter and a half of water

Method of preparation

  • In a saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Then add the garlic cloves.
  • Cut the lemons into slices without removing the skin.
  • Allow all ingredients to boil for approximately 15 minutes.
  • Soon after, strain and reserve the water, leaving it to rest for another five minutes.
  • Consume then.

Remember if

The infusions we teach are of great help in reducing abdominal fat. However, it is important that you know that they do not work in isolation.

To get the expected results, you should maintain a healthy diet, exercise routine, and other complementary habits that help with weight loss.

It is also necessary to carefully select the foods that do not cause bloating,  this way you will get the much dreamed of flat abdomen.

Take these infusions frequently to reduce abdominal fat, but do not exceed recommendations, as they may have a negative effect.

So, are you excited to put the indications into practice?

And continue on our page, because we have more tips for your health, beauty and well-being.

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