Homemade Cream For Lip Contour Wrinkles

To keep the lips contour well hydrated and free from wrinkles, it is important to apply this natural cream regularly.
Homemade cream for wrinkles around the lips

The skin around the lips is a little more sensitive than the skin on the rest of the face. Therefore, it is common for it to show early signs of aging.

Once exposed to continuous sunlight, toxins and other aggressive factors, changes develop due to a decrease in collagen and elastin.

Although deterioration occurs in different ways in each case, it is necessary to take some measures and care to prevent it from affecting the beauty of the face.

Fortunately, there are now a wide variety of cosmetic treatments whose purpose is to deeply nourish this region in order to maintain elasticity and prevent wrinkles.

The problem is that some products on the market are quite expensive and not everyone can buy them whenever they need them.

That’s why this article presents a  natural recipe that mixes ingredients that offer similar effects at a more affordable price.

It is a homemade cream made with beeswax, almond oil and other compounds beneficial to the skin.

Try it!

Homemade cream to smooth out wrinkles around the lips

The anti-wrinkle cream for the contour of the mouth is a 100% natural product. It combines the benefits of several ingredients that are healthy for the skin, providing an extra load of nutrients and protective substances.

Contains vitamin E, essential fatty acids and powerful antioxidants  that help minimize the negative effects of free radicals. In this way, it prevents the deterioration of cells in that area of ​​the face.

It is a powerful natural moisturizer recommended to prevent dryness, loss of collagen and elastin.

In addition, it is a good remedy to reduce sagging, one of those responsible for the premature appearance of aging signs.

Benefits of beeswax


Beeswax is a natural substance manufactured by young bees to protect the hive against external agents in the environment.

It is mainly formed by long-chain hydrocarbons, including paraffins and oleins.

For years it has been used as an ingredient in natural cosmetics, as it regulates the skin’s pH, prevents infections and creates a protective barrier against agents that cause aging.

Furthermore, its application reduces impurities and dead cells, so that it optimizes the cell oxygenation process.

Almond Oil Benefits

The fatty acids in almond oil are easily absorbed by the skin providing extra moisture and softness.

In addition, it contains vitamins A and E, which act as natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.

These, added to their minerals, relieve dryness, irritation and other symptoms caused by exposure to toxins.

It also improves circulation and facilitates the cleaning of dead cells, which is essential to prevent premature deterioration.

Benefits of Rose Essential Oil

rose oil

Rose essential oil is one of the most recommended natural products for the care of the face and delicate skin.

It is distinguished by its moisturizing and rejuvenating power, ideal for minimizing the appearance of blemishes, scars and signs of aging.

Contains fatty acids, omega 3, vitamin E, and other antioxidant agents that nourish the skin to maintain its elasticity and firmness.

How to prepare homemade cream for lip contour?

lip-line anti-wrinkle cream

The ingredients to prepare this homemade lip contour cream can be found in a herbal or natural cosmetics store.

However, opt for the best quality products  to ensure that all properties are preserved.


  • 12 scoops of beeswax (120 g)
  • 1 cup almond oil (200 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of rose essential oil (30 g)
  • 1 ½ tablespoons of rose water (15 ml)


  • First, melt the beeswax in a bain-marie.
  • Once melted, add almond oil and rose essential oil.
  • Then stir it with a wooden utensil and, finally, add the rose water.
  • Let it rest and, before solidifying, transfer to an airtight glass and store in a dark place.


  • First, use the necessary amount of cream.
  • Then  apply on the lips contour with a gentle massage.
  • Allow the skin to absorb well without rinsing.
  • Apply every night to get good results.

Easy, isn’t it? Follow the instructions and discover that it is possible to prepare a natural anti-wrinkle cream without the need to spend large sums of money.

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