Grandchildren Are The Light And Joys Of Their Grandparents

Grandparents are past the parenting and parenting stage. With her grandchildren, her mission is to teach values ​​and leave an emotional legacy that helps them to be better people.
Grandchildren are the light and joys of their grandparents

Grandchildren are these new generations who give a lot of light and hope to each member of the family. In the case of grandparents, this bond is special and enriching for both parties.

It is important to emphasize something important: nowadays grandparents can be young people, who lead a very active life, in general. These days, they are usually quite independent and their hearts are still young.

They are people who enjoy their daily lives and welcome their grandchildren in a different way than their parents do.

While it is true that in a society we are all educators, the role of grandparents in a family has very interesting aspects that we would like to highlight.

We invite you to reflect on this topic.

The construction of the “emotional legacy” in the family

The responsibility to educate, to define norms and to decide “what is allowed and what is not” are tasks of the parents.

However, in the case of grandparents, there are some particularities that are worth noting:

  • Grandparents have already gone through this stage because before grandparents they were parents. They have already established guidelines and fulfilled their role. These days, they don’t want or want to be rigid and decide what can and cannot be done. They prefer to enjoy their grandchildren and build an emotional legacy.
  • Between grandparents and grandchildren, communication often goes beyond words, manifesting itself through gestures, symbols. There is complicity, smiles, agreements and concessions… All of this builds an adequate psychological well-being, in which both parties win.
  • Regular contact between grandparents and grandchildren gives grandparents new responsibilities, and grandchildren learn lessons that their parents cannot convey.

It is also necessary to clarify that not all grandparents are equal and such intense bonds are not always built.

It is often said that a person ages the way he has lived. Therefore, if we have not assumed certain things, it is possible that we will reach a mature age with certain frustrations and negativities.

In this sense, it is the parents’ role to assess the frequency of contact with grandparents and whether this relationship is enriching or not. Yet it’s generally one of the most wonderful bonds there is.

Grandparents and grandchildren: an unbreakable emotional legacy

The support of grandparents in everyday life is a help and a small relief to parents. This responsibility of grandparents is nothing new: the tasks of caring and caring for children have been shared for many generations.

The legacy that grandparents build not only enriches grandchildren. It is also possible that parents see new dimensions in their parents that perhaps they did not know yet, and that, in some way, make them renew the bond.

  • The legacy that grandparents offer their grandchildren is not only based on affection and emotions. It is also the gift of knowing how to transmit values. Grandparents can share memories of the past, family memories from other generations that will help the child to understand the world and himself much better. In short, it offers roots.
  • Another interesting aspect is that this continuous reflection of grandparents, their joy of living, of transmitting care and affection, also helps children to know what it means to “age wisely”. Thus, she will see the time pass without fear, with tranquility.
  • Also, sometimes grandparents are that ocean of calm and strategies to alleviate tensions, arguments, and misunderstandings.

Grandchildren are light for grandparents and vice versa

Raising a child is never easy. We went through complicated periods that, in turn, our parents already lived with us.

While the current context is different, the essence is the same: children who want independence, who seek attention, who have tantrums, who make mistakes.

Undoubtedly, grandparents can help in all of this with good advice and without interfering.

Grandchildren give light and joy to grandparents, and this is something that has always happened. They are in a stage of adult maturity that people face with enthusiasm and energy.

Therefore, children always help to renew “responsibilities” and face life with hope.

These days, grandparents don’t want to be parents. They just want to enjoy the most intense and enriching emotions, but without creating pressure or obligation.

By this, we mean that as children we still are, we must also respect grandparents’ independence and their right to “use their time”. It is an important aspect that we must consider.

Note: for more information, see the bibliography.

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