Ginger And Aloe Vera Infusion: A Very Powerful Natural Drink

Ginger and aloe vera infusion can be a great alternative to treat gastric problems and detoxify the body. It is ideal for lowering bad cholesterol and for losing weight.

Ginger and aloe vera infusion is one of the most healing and powerful natural drinks  available. If you haven’t tried it yet and haven’t discovered its flavor and benefits, it’s time to do it.

Within natural medicine, these two elements are, without a doubt, among the best known and most used.

  • Aloe vera is a shrub, a fleshy plant full of benefits.
  • Ginger, on the other hand, is not just a root, but  a millenary root capable of treating many of our most common ailments. 

Today, here in this article, we want to show you the “magic” of combining these two elements. Don’t hesitate to try this infusion and find out how it feels.

Later, when you observe the effects on your body, it will certainly become indispensable.

The great benefits of ginger and aloe vera infusion

aloe vera

An interesting fact about this ginger and aloe vera infusion is that it is  ideal for women’s health.

This occurs mainly when menopause arrives, at which time the infusion allows you to regulate weight, speed up your metabolism or even fight that heat or the feeling of cold hands and feet.

See now the main benefits that this very healthy infusion can offer us.

Ideal against gastritis

The stomach, as we already know, is covered by a mucous membrane that protects us from our own acids when we carry out digestion. This tissue can become inflamed for several reasons, mainly due to the action of some bacteria. 

  • Aloe vera is a powerful  anti-inflammatory capable of regenerating and alleviating infections in our body,  especially  in the gastric mucosa.

With regard to ginger, you may have doubts. How can this intensely flavored medicinal root be good for acidity or gastritis?

  • We have to know, first of all, that ginger inhibits the growth of all Helicobacter pylori bacteria  , which  cause the appearance of gastritis.
  • This infusion will act, above all, as an effective protective remedy against the appearance of gastritis or ulcers associated with this bacteria.
  • The infusion will also help reduce pain, nausea and discomfort.
  • It also reduces inflammation of the stomach lining thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Acts as a natural pain reliever

Ginger, combined with aloe vera, will help treat the annoyances associated with the following problems:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • muscle pain
  • the headache
  • menstrual pain
  • The pressure associated with varicose vein pain

Ginger acts as a natural pain reliever with almost the same properties as ibuprofen.

On the other hand, aloe vera, being a potent anti-inflammatory, is ideal for all processes associated with arthritis or menstrual pain.

Worth a try.

helps to lose weight

flat abdomen
  • This infusion of ginger and aloe vera  will act as a great cleanser in the body, eliminating toxins  and different residues thanks mainly to the aloin present in aloe vera.
  • The infusion also speeds up your metabolism to burn that tougher fat lodged in your abdomen.
  • Nor can we forget that this infusion has a satiating effect thanks to the properties of ginger.
  • Aloe vera, combined with ginger, helps to stimulate intestinal mobility, so it acts as a great natural laxative.

Helps reduce cholesterol

You will be pleased to know that you only need to take this infusion every day to adequately reduce your triglyceride and bad cholesterol (LDL) levels.

  • Ginger, consumed fairly and properly, has almost the same effects as atorvastatin, a cholesterol-lowering drug.
  • On the other hand, aloe vera also helps to take care of this indicator of cardiovascular health thanks to the presence of germanium, a trace element that is also present in garlic.

How to prepare ginger and aloe vera infusion

ginger tea


  • ½ tablespoon grated fresh ginger (2.5 g)
  • 1 scoop of aloe vera gel (15 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 spoon of honey (7.5 g)

Method of preparation

  • First,  never consume more than 3 grams of ginger a day. Consumed in excess, it can have consequences.
  • Now, bring the water to a boil.
  • Once it has come to a boil, add the fresh grated ginger along with a spoonful of aloe vera (the translucent gel inside the plant’s own leaf).
  • Let it cook for 15 minutes and then set aside for another 10.
  • Strain the contents so that you only have the infusion. Sweeten with honey and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.


If you have high blood pressure, Crohn’s disease, or gallstones, ginger is not ideal.

As far as aloe vera is concerned, its effects will only be dangerous if consumed in excess. The dose indicated in this recipe is ideal.

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