Forgive, Let Go And Close The Past

The past must not stop us from moving forward. The mistakes made are not a burden; we must consider them part of our learning.
Forgive, let go and close the past

Our past sometimes follows us, to the point of preventing us from living the present in peace and harmony. When this happens, there is something that is paralyzing us, that is preventing our feet from moving forward.

It’s easy to say that we must let go of the past if we want to continue on our way, but when it’s very difficult, when it doesn’t happen naturally, there’s a much more serious problem to pay attention to.

If I made mistakes in the past, I learned

Undoubtedly, one of the main problems that we can’t make progress on is the mistakes we’ve made. The burden on our conscience for not having acted well, for having done something that, in reality, we didn’t want to do, chases and torments us.

girl sad because of her past

We know that every error can be resolved, but what happens to those for which there is no going back? The solution is easy, we simply have to learn from them.

So, think that from every negative circumstance, it is possible to get something positive.

Don’t be afraid of mistakes, because the mistakes that weigh on your conscience will prevent you from moving forward and will submit you to a past that you really cannot change. You must look ahead, because what has already passed cannot be changed.

Should I grieve for mistakes made? Never, since making mistakes is something human, something that teaches us and shows us that we are not perfect. We must be aware that mistakes are positive, as we learn from them.

I will not deny happiness

Not all past time was better, and possibly you may have experienced sad and murky circumstances in your past that you remember in your present. Even though it was like that, they stayed behind! You cannot go on living in your past, because your present is here.

Girl with boat in her hair leaves the past behind

There are many people who are not able to be happy because they are stuck in their past. It is normal that we sometimes go back to the past, but we must go back to learn, to see what happened to us and how we learned from it.

For that, you must learn to forgive, and also to forgive yourself. Anger will never be beneficial to you, as it will negate the happiness that is waiting for you. It is necessary to let go of everything that holds us to rancor.

Furthermore, we must not only learn to forgive others, but also learn to forgive ourselves for all those mistakes we have made. This will allow you to free yourself from the heavy weight you carry on your back.

For all of this it is essential that you give your present the opportunity to move forward, even if you sometimes look back. But it is important that you do it always and when it allows you to take a step forward, towards your happiness.

Now is the time, let go!

Sad and upset girl because of her past represented by an owl

Do you know what addiction is? Clinging to someone because we are afraid of being alone and because some trauma from our past has made us unable to be alone. In this case, we also suffer from a kind of dependence on our past.

We cannot become dependent on our past because we need to learn that we cannot change it. Living in it, residing in it, will make us gray people, people who do not advance and who impose limits.

We can’t move forward if we don’t let go. Think of living in your past as being tied to a rope, a rope that you have tied yourself to and from which only you can let go. And now is the time to do that.

Look at your past with an observer’s eyes, learn from what went right and what went wrong, from everything that happened to you. Forgive all those people who harmed you. Now pay attention to your present and focus on what you want to change from the past. It is very important that you initiate action.

Girl who learned to let go of the past

Everyone, at some point, must go back to our past. The important thing is that we don’t stay there forever, because our reality is here and now. We live in the present, always walking towards the future.

Don’t allow yourself to live in a past that is behind you and that contains only things, many of which you don’t like. Today you can change everything that was left behind. In the present, you always have the opportunity to change.

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