Foods To Improve The Health Of Hair, Skin And Nails

Did you know that carrots, in addition to being excellent for getting a nice tan, can help nourish and repair our skin? It favors hair reconstruction and regeneration.
Foods to improve the health of hair, skin and nails

Do you know what are the best foods to improve hair, skin and nail health? Appearance says a lot about our health and not just our vanity. That’s why when our skin, hair and nails are beautiful, we show how healthy we are. So read on and see how to take care of them better.

Foods to improve the health of hair, skin and nails

As a first measure, keep a balanced diet and avoid fast food or high-fat dishes anyway.

There is no doubt that they are delicious, but they are not good for your health. The latest research claims that good nutrition translates into  adequate health for both the internal and external organs. 

Therefore, the foods you consume are essential. If you want your hair, skin and nails to be really beautiful, your diet should include vitamins A, B and C, as well as minerals,  omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, biotin and antioxidants. From now on, combine the following foods daily:


It is one of the healthiest fish species around. It is in the group called fatty fish and it is advisable to consume it between two and three times a week to take advantage of its properties, including its high content of omega-3 fatty acids. Improves the shine and strength of your hair and, in addition, moisturizes the  skin. And as if that wasn’t enough, salmon has vitamin B12, which strengthens the nails.

Salmon diet is great for improving hair, skin and nail health

Green leafy vegetables are great for improving hair, skin and nail health

Vegetables such as spinach, chard, cabbage, etc. are an excellent source of vitamins A, B, C and zinc, all of these nutrients are needed to regenerate and maintain the skin, as well as enjoy healthier hair and nails. And the good news is that they can be consumed in all kinds of delicious recipes. 


They are rich in iron, biotin and proteins. This group includes lentils and beans, which should not be missing from your diet. Beans are essential for strengthening nails and hair. Biotin helps them grow faster.

Beans are rich in proteins that improve the health of hair, skin and nails

Whole grains

As are oats, wheat or brown rice, as well as sprouted ones. All contain a good dose of antioxidants that allow you to fight free radicals, responsible, among other things, for damaging the skin and hair. In addition, whole grains contain silica, an excellent mineral that allows you to strengthen and grow your hair. 


Mainly Brazil nuts, but if you can’t get that kind of variety, don’t worry, any other variety will do. Nuts contain a lot of selenium, a mineral that improves the scalp (pay attention if you have dandruff, for example).

Furthermore, it is an antioxidant that improves the immune system and prevents skin cancer. They are a wonderful source of omega-3 fatty acids, which as mentioned before, give hair shine and health.


This aromatic herb, which has a well-known flavor and is used in many recipes, is an excellent source of calcium, potassium and magnesium, among other nutrients. Its mission is more than important: to keep blood vessels (especially all capillaries) and tissues healthy.

It serves to make your skin look fabulous. You can drink parsley juice (a few sprigs, two glasses of water and the juice of one lemon ) on an empty stomach or during the day.


They are rich in vitamin A and also in antioxidants, perfect for hair reconstruction and regeneration, as well as to prevent wear and tear and premature aging of the skin, allowing nourishment and repair. Drink a carrot juice a day and you’ll see results in a few weeks.

Carrot juice is ideal for hair, skin and nail health


The juice of this vegetable allows, on the one hand, that the hair grows and, on the other, it prevents it from falling out. All this because it is a great source of sulfur and silica. If you mix it with carrot or celery juice, it will significantly enhance the results in terms of cellular nutrition. 


It is rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, enzymes, chlorophyll, among other nutrients. It is recommended to consume it with carrot juice, for example (or grating into a salad ). It serves to nourish both skin and hair, helps cell regeneration, eliminates fats and toxins that affect skin health.

Natural salads are great for hair, skin and nail health

Extra virgin olive oil

It is rich in vitamin E and has the ability to nourish the skin while protecting, nourishing and repairing it. It has excellent antioxidant effects on the cell membrane, fighting wear and tear or premature aging.  Pay attention that it is an excellent quality olive oil.

Bell pepper

It can be red, green or yellow, as all varieties contain fluorine and silica, two essential nutrients for hair and nail health. Mix with a little carrot juice for a better result.


Onion is a great source of vitamins for hair, skin and nails

This vegetable that should not be lacking in any kitchen (helps you get out of a tight spot in the kitchen, along with potatoes and eggs) is an incredible source of iron, phosphorus, silica, calcium and potassium.

It allows both the skin, hair and nails to become strong and full of life, thanks to the fact that it dissolves toxins from our liver and intestines. And whenever possible, consume raw onions for younger, more beautiful skin.

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