Foods That Cause Cellulite

People always talk about foods, routines and exercises that help eliminate cellulite. But do you know the foods that cause cellulite?

People always talk about foods, routines and exercises that help to eliminate cellulite, but they do not tend to take into account the causes of this problem that affects almost all women in the world, regardless of their weight or physical structure. Here are the foods that cause cellulite.

Cellulite is both a circulatory and hormonal process, which is why it can be difficult to eradicate. Learn about the habits and foods that cause cellulite in the following article.

What to know about cellulite?

Cellulite causes accumulation of fat and fluid in certain areas (most often buttocks and thighs), which is very difficult to eradicate. It always affects women, as they have a genetic tendency to suffer from this problem.

At different stages of life, such as puberty, pregnancy or when consuming oral contraceptives, women are exposed to a higher concentration of estrogen, which conditions the appearance of so unsightly “holes” and which are guilty of many nightmares, especially in the summer.

High concentrations of this hormone in the blood cause more porosity and fragility in blood vessels, which is why fluids and toxins accumulate beneath the subcutaneous tissue.

Another cause of cellulite is constipation, changes in circulation and liver function. Finally, stress, inadequate diet, sedentary lifestyle and smoking are very risk factors for its appearance.

Foods that cause cellulite

  • Sweets : are one of the biggest causes of cellulite, as they increase the amount of fat that aggravates the problem. Cookies, desserts, juices, sweets and anything that contains a lot of sugar, and especially a lot of trans fat, are highly inflammatory. The body does not have the ability to transform all of this into energy and the rest ends up being converted into fat that is deposited in certain places. In the case of women, on the thighs, hips and buttocks. Moderate your intake of sweets to a maximum of 220 calories per day. You can also substitute natural sweeteners such as stevia for sugar and choose dark chocolates.

  • Fats : are in second place in the ranking of enemies of the body and friends of cellulite. Avoid anything that contains fat or reduce your intake to two servings a day, maximum. For example, whole dairy products (milk, sour cream, margarine, cheese, whipped cream, cream), red meat, sausages (sausages, salami, sausages, bacon, bacon) and fried foods (mainly with fat).
  • Salt: Sodium is not only present in the salt you season food, it is also included in many elaborate products, especially breaded ones. Excess sodium produces fluid retention and, consequently, causes the appearance of cellulite. It is advisable to consume no more than 1.5 g of sodium per day, do not take the salt shaker to the table, do not add more salt to the food and, as far as possible, cook without salt or using sea salt.
salt.  TheGiantVermin

Other Foods That Cause Cellulite

  • Soft drinks or soft drinks : this is due to the fact that many of these products are very rich in sugar and sodium, but also because they contain chemicals such as additives and preservatives that aggravate the cellulite process, in addition to causing other problems to our body. And be careful with the ones that have “ light ” or “zero sugar” on their label , as they have other ingredients such as artificial sweeteners and colorings.
  • Coffee : there are people in favor and others against coffee for various health problems. Some research indicates that coffee impairs blood circulation, promotes inflammation and impairs tissue irrigation. Others believe that if eaten in moderation, coffee is good for your health. It is best to control your intake, because excesses are never good. A cup of coffee for breakfast won’t hurt, but if you drink five cups a day, it won’t do your body any good, not only increasing cellulite, but also causing insomnia, for example.
  • The “fast” food : the fast food, so popular around the world, it is bad for health in many ways. Mainly the hamburgers and fries. This is because these foods contain a lot of calories and toxins, as well as saturated fats. The more fast food you consume, the greater the possibility that your “holes” will increase in size. So no onion rings, fried chicken wings, snacks, pizza, etc. If it is too costly to stop eating these foods, reduce your intake to once a week or every 15 days.

More Foods That Cause Cellulite

  • Alcoholic beverages : alcohol is harmful to our health in several aspects, including the appearance of cellulite. Contains lots of calories and toxins that accumulate under the skin. Furthermore, in many cases, beverages are prepared with soft drinks or industrial juices, so they are even more harmful. That’s not to say you can’t go out with your friends and drink once or twice a month, but don’t abuse alcohol on every outing if you want to see your thighs, glutes and legs cellulite free.
  • Refined flour : everything that is “white” in color is not as pure as they want to sell us. Pasta, bread, rice, sugar (it’s been talked about before), have carbohydrates that are complicated to metabolize and are converted into fats when consumed in excess. That’s why they tend to satiate hunger so much. A good idea is to replace white flour with whole grains (brown or yellow in color).

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