Find Out How To Make Your Baby Sleep Better

It is normal for babies to sleep little and wake up crying. However, as parents, we can use certain practices and tricks that can help our baby sleep better and more peacefully. Know which ones they are.


When babies are born, there is no specific sleep time until approximately the sixth month. They usually sleep every 3 hours and wake up crying. It’s normal for you to want to know how to make your baby sleep better. It is very difficult for newborns to differentiate between day and night.

That might be the reason they get so little sleep. But do not worry! Within the first few weeks you will be able to teach him and he will learn the difference. That way, you can create sleep habits over time.

It takes a little time to adapt to the new reality, that is, when your baby’s sleep is interrupted, you’ll have to get out of bed and use your energies to get him to go back to sleep. You might wonder… And in case he doesn’t sleep? As complex as it may seem, over time you will be able to make your little one fall asleep. 

Come on, don’t let worries diminish this great emotion of being a mother. Your child will be a baby for a little while. For this reason, we will give you some recommendations to help your child sleep peacefully.

Recommendations to make your baby sleep much better

1. Learn to use your bedroom lights

For your baby to sleep better, leave him alone in his room

Lights act as a switch that sets us in motion, while darkness is best known for fueling sleep. Therefore, you should keep your baby in a light switch during the day and in the dark at night, so that he can get used to it.

  • During the day: let the sun shine into your home. Collect the curtains and open some windows.
  • During the night: Dim the lights a little before the baby falls asleep to get in the mood.
  • You can keep small light bulbs on, such as night lights, as long as they don’t overlight the room.

2. Take him to the crib before he falls completely asleep

In the beginning this is far from simple, especially if you are breastfeeding. At this time babies tend to fall asleep. Ideally, you should nurse and cuddle the baby until he is almost asleep. However, don’t let him fall asleep completely in your arms, as when you put him in the crib, he’ll wake up again.

3. Avoid going to your aid only when you hear a hiccup

Baby sleeping

You shouldn’t run away every time you hear a little hiccup. If you do this, you will wake him up more often, as he will understand that you will always help him.

Instead of doing this, wait a few minutes, give him the chance to calm down a bit and go back to sleep. If it doesn’t work, then yes, go calm him down before he cries anymore.

4. be patient

After you have got used to sleeping for more hours at a time, there is a chance that your baby will wake up in tears again during the night. Therefore, don’t be scared. This is normal if he has slept through the afternoon or is experiencing some discomfort, such as a fever, for example.

Some tricks to make your baby sleep much better 

  • Keep it calm and in a quiet environment.
  • Try not to overstimulate him when he’s almost asleep.
  • Play a lot with your baby during the day. If you have a pet, include it in the games and it will be a fun day for everyone. At night, he will be so exhausted that he will fall asleep easily.
  • When he wakes up in the middle of the night, don’t immediately turn on the lights or bring him into the light.
  • Establish a bedtime that is constant.
  • Give him a bath before bed.
  • Always make sure he is comfortable at bedtime.
  • After a few weeks, it’s not good for him to sleep in bed with you. Don’t get used to it.


Be very patient and, above all, give him time to get used to sleeping more than 3 hours. Getting your baby to sleep better and to sleep through the night without waking up is every parent’s dream. However, this is not a matter of chance or genetics. The key is in the habits and customs we create with them.

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