Fight Vestibular Neuritis With Natural Products

Do you suffer from vestibular neuritis? Not sure how to deal with dizziness and vertigo? With these natural remedies you can have them under control.
Fight vestibular neuritis with natural products

Vestibular neuritis is an  inflammation produced in a nerve in the inner ear, whose function is balance. Therefore, when a virus from an infection of the respiratory or gastrointestinal system damages it, dizziness, vertigo and nausea are produced. Want to know more?

Vestibular neuritis, what are the symptoms?

dizzy man

The symptoms of this neuritis consist of an isolated attack of intense vertigo, with nausea, vomiting, and persistent nystagmus on the affected side, which lasts for 7 to 10 days. Nystagmus is unidirectional, horizontal, and spontaneous, with rapid swings toward the unaffected ear.

Fight vestibular neuritis with these natural remedies

1. Ginger infusion

Some of the benefits of consuming this plant are that it facilitates weight loss; in addition, it is an excellent diuretic, digestive system stimulant and helps keep the immune system strong.

As for the benefits for vestibular neuritis,  ginger also helps to reduce nausea and dizziness,  allowing symptoms to subside. The way to consume it for this purpose is in the form of an infusion. To prepare it you will need to follow the following steps:

  1. First, heat some water in a container over low heat.
  2. When the water starts to boil, add 1 ginger root and wait about 2 minutes.
  3. After that time, turn off the heat and let the infusion cool down a bit before taking it.

2. Extract from the leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba tree

Ginkgo Biloba can be found in health food stores in the form of capsules or as a liquid extract in bottles. Also, it is possible to get it in the form of leaves to be taken as an infusion.

Its most characteristic property is that it  is very effective in combating circulation problems. But it also helps in vestibular neuritis, as shown by different studies.

  • Infusion:  if you choose this option, follow the same steps shown for ginger infusion, except in this case use Ginkgo Biloba leaves.
  • Capsules:  Follow the recommendations that appear on the packaging or those provided by sellers who are knowledgeable about their use.
  • Drops:  can be added to a glass of water or even juice. Furthermore, it is necessary to follow the instructions that are indicated on the container.

3. Fight vestibular neuritis by drinking celery juice every day

Fight vestibular neuritis with celery juice

If you want to take advantage of its benefits to treat the symptoms of neuritis,  the best way to consume celery is to prepare a juice. In this sense, follow the instructions below:

  1. First, wash six celery  stalks thoroughly  and separate them from the leaves.
  2. Then cut the stalks into medium pieces and make sure they are clean.
  3. Then place the pieces of celery in a blender and blend them.
  4. Once you get a more or less liquid consistency, add between half and a liter of water, according to your preference in consistency.

Also, you can add some sweetener to make the juice taste better. However, what is important is to put it in the fridge, as consuming it fresh will help alleviate the feeling of dizziness and dizziness.

4. Fight vestibular neuritis with an infusion of black pepper

In addition to its use as a condiment, black pepper can help reduce the symptoms of vestibular neuritis. In order for it to be successful, it  is important to consume it in the form of an infusion. So, heat water and add a pinch of black pepper, lemon and a pinch of salt. It is important to use small amounts.

Do you suffer from vestibular neuritis? Have you ever tried any of these natural remedies? If there is any other that has worked, share it with us.

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