Fight Cellulite With This Natural Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe

To effectively get rid of cellulite, we must combine topical treatments with physical exercise and remedies that help us detoxify the body from the inside out.

Cellulite is caused by the accumulation of small fat deposits under the surface of the skin, often in areas such as the hips and buttocks. Today we want to share a natural recipe for apple cider vinegar and honey which, due to its properties, acts as a complement to your treatment.

This is one of the most common problems in the female population, especially when the woman is overweight, obese or hormonal disorders.

It is characterized by the  appearance of small holes on the skin tissue,  which give an appearance similar to an orange peel to the skin.

Although it is not a serious health condition, its presence could indicate fluid retention or difficulties in the circulatory and lymphatic system.

Luckily, today there are many products and techniques that help to minimize its appearance  so that the skin looks healthier and smoother.

Natural apple cider vinegar and honey recipe to fight cellulite


Apple cider vinegar combined with honey has been an alternative treatment for years  to minimize the appearance of cellulite  on the skin.

Both ingredients contain antioxidant substances and organic acids  that help to detoxify the body for optimal lymphatic system functioning.

Its fiber content and essential vitamins promote proper digestion of fats in the intestine, which is key to reducing their accumulation.

This prevents lipids from being retained in the blood, and thus prevents high cholesterol levels and other disorders that affect quality of life.

Apple vinegar

Both vinegar and honey have natural actives that improve the functioning of the metabolism; thus, they increase energy expenditure and avoid problems such as overweight.

Its consumption in moderate doses  facilitates the expulsion of toxins trapped in the bloodstream,  which allows the blood to flow without obstacles.

This controls excess inflammation in the body’s tissues and, in addition, boosts the elimination of fluids whose accumulation is also related to these holes.

It is noteworthy that this recipe is alkaline in nature, that is, once consumed, it  helps to regulate the pH of the blood to prevent diseases.

How to make this remedy of apple cider vinegar and honey to fight cellulite?

apple vinegar and honey

With this natural apple cider vinegar recipe you will not only be fighting cellulite, but also:

  • It will stimulate your body’s detoxification to strengthen your immune system.
  • It will prevent the development of chronic diseases.
  • It will improve skin health.

It is important to clarify that this is  not a miraculous remedy against this aesthetic problem,  as its results depend on other lifestyle habits such as diet, exercise and cosmetic treatments.

This means that, to achieve optimal results, it  is necessary to completely change the lifestyle,  concentrating efforts to fight the accumulation of fat that gives rise to this condition.

On the other hand, it is good to know that vinegar and honey must be 100% organic since, although there are cheaper alternatives, these are the only presentations that retain all their properties.


  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (20 ml)
  • 1 cup of warm water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • Add the two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to the glass of warm water and sweeten with the honey spoon.
  • Once you get a smooth drink, consume it.

mode of consumption

  • Drink a glass of the drink on an empty stomach and, if necessary, repeat consumption a few hours later.
  • Consume for two weeks in a row, rest for a week and then take it again.


The use of small amounts of apple cider vinegar poses no health risk. However,  under no circumstances should the dose recommended in the prescription for this remedy be exceeded.

The excess of acids it contains can cause indigestion, diarrhea and excessive production of gastric juices.

If you experience abdominal pain or inflammation after ingestion, discontinue treatment.

It is not recommended to consume undiluted pure apple cider vinegar, as it can damage the enamel of the teeth  and, in turn, affect the mucosa that protects the stomach.

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