Fig Bread: Discover The Best Recipe

This recipe is very light, as it does not contain animal milk, butter or eggs. Find out how to prepare it below!
Fig bread: discover the best recipe

Fig bread is a food with a very smooth texture. In fact, it  is characterized by being spongy and very filling. Figs are the ones that bring succulence to the dish.

It is very easy to prepare and is a delicious accompaniment to many meals (both savory and sweet) during the fall season, and even in winter.

Figs are characteristic autumn fruits. Biologically they are not considered fruits, but infructescence, that is, a set of fruits. In this respect, it is similar to strawberries and pineapple. The first harvests of the fig tree are made up of females.

In the northern hemisphere, the tapping occurs between the months of June and July, and the second harvests of figs are harvested in late August and during the month of September. In the southern hemisphere, the tapas are harvested in December and the figs in March.

Nutritional properties of fig

fig bread
  • Figs have a percentage of water that is between 70 to 80%.
  • They have between 12 to 19% carbohydrates, specifically fructose, glucose and sucrose.
  • They are rich in vitamins and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, beta-carotenes, vitamin C.  Some of these nutrients have antioxidant functions.
  • They have an important fiber content.
  • This food can be eaten fresh or dry. It is important to note then that their nutritional value varies considerably. Fresh fruit is composed of 80% water and 12% sugar approximately. When it’s dry, it’s only 20% water and 48% sugar.
  • In dried figs, the potassium effect intensifies and also increases the amount of fiber.
  • Dried figs also bring more magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and also incorporate sodium, iodine and zinc, as well as vitamins A, C, D, E and the B complex.

We present the best recipe to prepare a succulent fig bread. It’s a very simple recipe that won’t take a lot of time and won’t need a lot of ingredients.

This is a traditional bread from the mountains of Córdoba, Spain, with a delicious aroma and taste. In general, it is consumed during the month of September.

Ingredients for preparing fig bread

fig and nuts
  • 1 liter of water.
  • 1 kg of dried figs.
  • 1 pinch of ground cloves.
  • 2 cups of walnuts (200 g)
  • 1 fennel sauce (250 g)
  • 1 spoon of ground cinnamon (3 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of roasted sesame (10 g)
  • 2 cups + 1/4 roasted almonds (250 g)

How to prepare fig bread

  1. Remove the handle from the figs and cut them into small pieces.
  2. Cut the fennel into very small pieces.
  3. Bring the water to a boil in a pan and add the fennel pieces. Simmer for 10 minutes and then strain the fennel. Do not dispose of boiled water.
  4. Put the boiled water back into a pot larger than the previous one and add enough water to scald the figs.
  5. Return the water to a boil. When boiling, put the figs in pieces and boil for 4 minutes.
  6. Remove the figs with a sieve or strainer.
  7. Chop the almonds and walnuts. Then blanch them in water a little.
  8. Peel the almonds and brown them a little, stirring constantly to prevent them from burning.
  9. Put the sesame to toast in a skillet.
  10. Grind the almonds and roasted walnuts.
  11. Return the livers to the pan and add the roasted nuts, ground cloves, cinnamon and sesame powder. Mix everything very well.
  12. In a baking tin, place a piece of film to prevent the pie from sticking unless you are using a collapsible tin.
  13. Add the fig mass, little by little, and squeeze with a spoon to make sure it sticks well into the pan.
  14. Close the film when it reaches a height of 3 to 4 centimeters and press it with the base of the mold so that it is flat. We can even use several small molds instead of just one.
  15. Remove the wrapping paper and place them on a surface covered with aluminum foil. Cover them with gauze and add a weight on top.
  16. Let it stand for a day so that it becomes airy. 
  17. After a day, remove the weight, but leave the gauze for at least another two days.

After these two days, the fig breads will be ready for you to enjoy. They can be eaten in their natural state or they can be accompanied by some wild berry jam. There are those who also accompany you with a cup of coffee with milk.

As it does not include ingredients that interfere with a balanced diet, this bread can be enjoyed without any regrets. In addition, we will enjoy the nutritional content of the added nuts.

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