EMF Balancing: What Are Your Benefits?

The EMF balancing technique helps us find balance with our surroundings and release the internal tensions that keep us from flowing.
EMF balancing: what are your benefits?

There is a belief for traditional medicine: our energetic anatomy is what allows us to relate to the Earth, the cosmos and ourselves. This is what EMF balancing is based on.

This working method has been developed and developed for a long time, achieving extraordinary results. Currently, there are 13 different sessions and with each one of them a specific work is carried out.

The technique is practiced and taught in 70 countries around the world.

What is  EMF balancing ?

Also called Balancing Work,  EMF Balancing  is  a technique that works the human electromagnetic field,  created by Peggy Phoenix Dubro, which expands and calibrates our energy field (EMF is short for  electromagnetic field ).

Energy around planet Earth

How the 13 sessions are developed

  • Balance of wisdom and emotions: This session is basically responsible for releasing stress.
  • Self-direction:  The energetic restrictions of what we call the past are released and we become independent.
  • Radiating Core Energy: Allows you to intensify the core system energy which, according to the belief on which the practice is based, helps to balance the being on a spiritual level.
  • Conquest of energy: helps the patient to develop a better vision of their future.
  • Infinite love: improves your being’s development to help you become more involved in intrapersonal relationships when exercising good communication.
  • Infinite Compassion: Generates a state of awareness that helps the patient to clearly see their physical effect on their surroundings.
  • Infinite Presence: projects the importance of physical and spiritual presence in the cosmos.
  • Infinite Wisdom: Likewise, it helps to control situations in everyday life.
  • Universal Human: Focuses the patient on the universe to activate the “inner child” and thus know what is affecting him.
  • The universal couple: complements the feminine or masculine interior facets. This generates transformation, joy, security and peace.
  • The Emerging Evolutionary:  Employs the energetic foundations to reach a higher level of consciousness.
  • The Evolutionary Path: Establishes a bridge to a new dimension.

In this way,  EMF balancing  is positioned as one of the best options for harmonizing the energy field, which is formed by light and energy fibers.

light beams forming ring

universal point

The EMF balancing  takes care of a key concept that is the Universal Calibration; a composite of interconnected orbital circuits. It is the same in all people and for that reason it is called universal. Thanks to him, we maintain a balanced energy flow with the rest of beings.

It also allows us to better sustain the universal energy that is entering the planet in these times of dimensional shifts. It works similarly to an electrical transformer, transferring energy from one circuit to another.

Purpose of the EMF balancing technique 

The EMF balancing  is  designed to cleanse, balance and increase the energy flow in the human energy field. In this way you can find balance with the universe and solve the problems it presents.

The technique that employs  EMF balancing  helps to put into flux any energetic blockages that the being presents. The flow of vital energy accelerates and releases everything that is blocked.

This includes what we hold back, such as decisions we don’t make, hidden potentials, and unnecessary emotional burdens.

light beams

Benefits of the technique

The results do not work the same for all people, as some are further away from the universal flow than others and will therefore take longer to achieve the desired balance.

The benefits that are received after each session are very varied and unique, according to each person’s energy structure:

  • Improves energy flow in all body systems.
  • It establishes a mental balance that helps reduce  stress .
  • Increases communication skills with ourselves and others.
  • Favors a balanced position in everyday life.
  • It releases the emotional issues of the past  without having to painfully relive them.
  • Strengthens self-vision; likewise, it reflects more security in decisions.
  • Accelerates spiritual growth.

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