Don’t Value You? Don’t Beg For Attention Or Love

We must understand that the only person indispensable for our happiness is ourselves. If we love ourselves and respect ourselves, it will be more difficult for others to harm us.
Don't value you?  Don't beg attention or love

Never lose your value for a person who doesn’t know how to value what he has. If someone doesn’t care about you, ignores you, abandons you or despises you; don’t beg your attention or your love, for it will never be real or sincere.

No longer bite the poisoned apple of different love , as it will only make you suffer. If you “ ask for too much ” it is because you know that what you want has an important weight in your life. It is you who must first grant your thoughts, opinions, desires and behaviors.

We must strive to take emotional distance from those people who challenge the balance of the affective balance. At the same time they cement the relationships we share with them in emotional inequality.

Girl biting an apple and giving value to its flavor

don’t beg for love

Begging for love means asking for something that doesn’t exist. Something that is only in the desires of our mind. The only thing we’ll get by “begging” is lack of respect for ourselves, stunt our emotional growth, and hurt our inner selves.

When we love someone we want to take care of them and prevent them from suffering. Our emotional reflex leads us to create circumstances that make the other feel deserving of affection; that encourage emotions and feelings of harmony, authenticity and caring.

If we don’t take care of false loves, we will end up believing what they make us feel. We’ll end up thinking we’re not worthy of affection or attention, and we’ll end up convinced that emotional relationships don’t need to be balanced.

No one can make you unhappy without your consent

The most powerful tool to fight emotional injustice and indifference is personal determination. It must be accompanied by self-love, self-knowledge and reflections on one’s own and others’ feelings, desires and behavior.

However, the process in which we find ourselves immersed in these circumstances reflects a lack of dignity. The one we need to prevent us from pursuing those who don’t deserve us.

In this sense, we must know that we tend to use the wrong strategies to deal with the mourning for “no love”. Here are some common situations:

  • Grieving for “no love” is a very hard process that feeds on a painful pre-contemplation phase. We generally know that “something is not right”, but we dare not describe it with words or take the blindfold off our eyes.
  • We let the discomfort pass, maintaining the belief that not thinking about it and being distracted will allow the problem to resolve itself in a natural way.
  • When we resign ourselves to discomfort, there comes a time when it increases to unbearable levels and we have to face it when it has already overflowed. However, what happens when we struggle with our own feelings? The struggle turns into an endless battle, full of despair, which will fuel suffering.
  • It is also common to hear that of “embracing the pain”, but it is not positive to neither ignore nor embrace it.
girl manipulated like puppet

I fight for rejection

What’s really appropriate for dealing with grief for “not love” is to respond to it and understand that it hurts because someone we wanted to love us doesn’t.

So, to reverse the pain, the next step is to give it a solution.

What is the right solution? Convince ourselves that if we don’t get affection in a natural way, we’re unlikely to get it in other ways. With that, the correct thing would be to move away from the person, as only then will we have the guarantee that the pain will be overcome.

To end the suffering of “no love”, we must first understand it and then accept it;  for it is a natural consequence of mourning the loss of what we wished to have and did not have.

Love yourself and value yourself: nurture your relationships with self-love

Even though controlling each emotional story is complex, all suffering has a solution. True change is possible when we work on that which binds us to the painful situation, and to that person to whom we are begging for attention and love.

So it should be clear to us that the first person we should spend time with is ourselves. Then we’ll be in a position to assess who we feel good with and who doesn’t.

Woman with scissors that doesn't beg attention

Don’t beg anyone’s attention, let alone love. Because whoever loves him, will demonstrate it in one way or another.  There are no interests or selfishness.

Remember that a situation of emotional injustice requires a prominent role for our self-love.  Which helps us to examine our desires, values ​​and needs.

Don’t keep calling the person who doesn’t answer your calls. Stop looking and start letting them find you. Stop missing those who are only present in your life in a superficial way, those for whom only appearances matter, and who only make you feel good when there are more people with you.


It is necessary to nurture your self-esteem and stop begging for love.  For love must be demonstrated and felt, and never implored. Your affection and attention are too valuable to be wasted on those who don’t deserve them.

Dedicate yourself to those who love and understand you, without judgment or conditions.

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