Does Water Help You Lose Weight? Myths And Truths

Does water really help you lose weight? Read on and find the answer. 

How hard do you try to lose weight? Are you getting the results you want? Do you think you are drinking enough water? In this article we’ll talk about  how water helps you lose weight.

You will find that not only does it keep your body hydrated and your organs balanced, it also  promotes weight loss and improves the results of your efforts. If you have difficulty drinking water, you may finally find the motivation to do so.

Drinking water helps burn extra calories

There are those who give themselves permission to eat something high in calories arguing that they will exercise later. If you are one of them, you should know that  water helps you lose weight and will help you get rid of those extra calories quickly. 

This occurs in young or middle-aged adults and all they need to do is drink about half a liter (500 ml) before eating.

Water helps you lose weight because it avoids eating fast food

Drinking water before meals reduces appetite

Have you ever heard that water helps you lose weight and reduce appetite if consumed before eating? Well, that’s true, but there are a few things that should be taken into account.

Drinking water 30 minutes before eating has been shown to actually prevent the body from absorbing excess energy. Remember that this can convert to accumulated fat when it is not burned.

However, this does not happen to all people. In the studies conducted they found that this benefit is more present in the elderly. The study had women take 375 ml and men 500 ml of water 30 minutes before eating.

So you already know, if you’re an elderly person and trying to shed a few pounds, drink water before your meals. 

Water speeds up metabolism

If you are a person who is constantly searching for the ideal weight, you already know that metabolism is a relevant topic. Particularly its acceleration and in this sense water helps to lose weight.

Water helps to lose weight because it regulates metabolism

We have already commented on the blog about some strategies to speed up this process or improve it. Drinking water is one of the best. It has been shown that 1.5 liters of water can help speed up metabolism by up to 30%.

The water ingested had a temperature of 22 to 37 ÂșC, implying that it was lukewarm to moderately hot. This is important because these temperatures force the body to work harder to restore its usual temperature.

Those who participated in the experiment also said they felt more energetic. This is very good for those who have difficulty starting a sports routine because they feel discouraged all the time.

If you want to get the most benefit, we recommend that  the 2 liters of water daily be warm or hot. It may cost you a little at first, but in a few weeks you will get used to it.

Water helps you lose weight and prevents you from feeling hungry

Much is said about the confusion we can have with hunger and thirst. In fact, what many people do when they’re hungry is drink a glass of water. But does water really help you lose weight?

Water helps you lose weight while exercising

If you believe that this is a myth and that it is meaningless, know that it is not true. Your body can confuse thirst with hunger. When this confusion happens, we may end up eating extra calories.

What we recommend is that the next time you feel hungry, have a glass of water. It can be warm water to speed up metabolism. Then wait about 20 minutes and analyze what is going on in your body. If the feeling of hunger disappeared, it was just thirst. Otherwise, eat something healthy and nutritious.

To conclude,  remember that we must consume at least 2 liters of water a day to maintain hydration.

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