Discover The New Treatment For Chronic Low Back Pain

This treatment to end chronic low back pain is performed with local anesthesia and the patient can go home the same day walking  
Discover the new treatment for chronic low back pain
Chronic low back pain is a regular companion in many people’s lives.

So much so that studies such as the one published by the Annals of rheumatic diseases (Annuals of rheumatic diseases) remind us that chronic low back pain is, in fact, the most impactful disease today.

By “impacting” we refer to the fact that it is the most common reason for job losses today. Now, the problem gets even worse when this low back pain becomes chronic.

The document cited above also explains that 1 out of 10 people suffer from some type of low back pain.

This data, on the other hand, generates a high cost for both medical institutions and companies and for the patients themselves.

Therefore, it is not easy to live with this disease that tends to intensify as the years pass.

Lifestyle, sedentary lifestyle, overweight and even genetic inheritance undoubtedly determine the intensity of pain.

Now we have good news for all those people who suffer from chronic low back pain. The medical company “Relievant Medsystems“, based in California, has developed a technique to eliminate this problem.

We detail all this information below.

INTRACEPT: the new treatment to end low back pain

lumbar vertebra

The treatments that have been available to us so far to alleviate low back pain did not always provide an adequate response for people with chronic low back pain.

Physical therapy, braces or medications to relieve pain are not enough in these cases. Thus, it is normal to use other techniques such as the following:

  • A spinal cord stimulator to reduce back pain.
  • A delicate spine surgery, something that only happens in a few cases and that doesn’t always get a definitive solution.

In these cases, the discs above and below the affected lumbar areas tend to become overloaded.

Given the complexity of effectively treating chronic low back pain, “Relievant Medsystems” chose to develop a new strategy that was presented under the name of INTRACEPT.

A minimally invasive and safe operation

It is a surgical intervention, yes, but it has nothing to do with traditional spine operations.

In this case, it is just a matter of introducing a thin device with which the nerve responsible for the pain associated with low back pain is killed.

  • The patient is intubated through the mouth to receive local anesthesia in the area between the L3 and S1 vertebrae.
  • Then, a device with a very fine needle is applied in this area, which has a very specific purpose: proceeding to cancel the activity of the basivertebral nerve.
  • The basivertebral nerve is what sends back pain signals to the brain.
  • With this quick procedure and local surgery, this suffering is ended.
  • The treatment uses radiofrequency energy, that is, it is not a scalpel, nor does it create any traumatic wound that will have to be recovered through rehabilitation.

This radio frequency energy is transmitted through the device and what the patient feels is just heat. Then, the device is removed with total efficiency and without excessive complications.

In fact, the entire procedure takes just over an hour and the person can walk home.

The pain doesn’t come back

low back pain image

This new technique has already been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) of the United States of America and, in a few months, it will also be applied in Europe, when the medical institutions there give their consent.

All clinical examinations and all people who have undergone basivertebral nerve ablation enjoy a better quality of life. The pain did not reappear.

  • It should be noted that people who can undergo this type of intervention are those who suffer from chronic low back pain.

It is not suitable for anyone who has occasional back pain.

  • Furthermore, the technique of ablation of the nerves responsible for chronic pain is not new. It was already developed to help with other types of illnesses where medicine was unable to provide adequate answers.

Nerve ablation, so far, has been performed in different ways.

Cryoablation is one of them, but currently radiofrequency has opened up a very interesting field in the treatment of chronic pain such as low back pain.

As we see, science continues to advance to ensure that we can enjoy a better quality of life.

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