Delicious Homemade Shakes To Lose Weight

Consuming homemade shakes can help you lose weight to some extent. However, if we want to achieve good results, we must keep in mind the importance of maintaining good nutrition and exercising. Discover some recipes in this article.
Delicious homemade shakes to lose weight

The popularity of homemade shakes

The popularity of homemade shakes

Homemade Shakes to Lose Weight

Papaya and banana shake, a classic

Papaya and banana shake, a classic

Papaya and banana shakes have a very addictive sweet taste that is sure to please anyone who appreciates this flavor.



  • Be sure to wash all ingredients thoroughly before starting to prepare this shake.
  • Put the ingredients in the blender jar and blend until you get a smooth mixture.

refreshing green shake

Shakes with a touch of celery, herbs and vegetables are refreshing and therefore perfect to enjoy after a training session or on a hot summer day.



  • Thoroughly wash all ingredients, cut them into cubes and place them in a blender.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous juice, add the lemon juice and that’s it. You will have a delicious juice that will help you lose weight quickly.

Tomato-arboreal beat

Tomato-arboreal beat



  • To start with, you must remove all the seeds from the tree tomatoes.
  • Cut the cucumbers into thin slices and the celery stalks as finely as possible.
  • Put all the ingredients in the blender jar and blend until you get a smooth mixture.

Spinach, celery and papaya shake

If you want to get away from the classic combination of papaya with another fruit ‘such as banana’, but don’t want to give up the sweetness completely, the following recipe is for you.



  • Thoroughly wash all ingredients and cut them into small pieces.
  • Blend everything in a blender together with a glass of water, so that it doesn’t get too thick.

Orange, celery, mint and parsley shake

Orange, celery, mint and parsley shake



  • Put all the ingredients in your blender jar.
  • If after beating for a few minutes you notice it is a little thick, you can add a glass of water.
  • Don’t forget to add some ice before consuming.

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