Creamy Rice With Shrimp Recipe

Mediterranean cuisine has incredible advantages, one of which is having excellent shrimp. Find out how you can make this delicious creamy rice with shrimp recipe   
Creamy rice with shrimp recipe

If there’s anything remarkable about Mediterranean cuisine, it’s the fabulous variety that exists to make the best dishes with a taste of the sea. For this reason, paellas, fried fish, broths, and endless preparations are common. Today you are about to discover the best way to prepare a delicious creamy rice with prawns. Would you like to know how to do it?

Recommendations for a good creamy rice

So, before starting we should focus on the type of rice to make a delicious creamy rice with shrimp. The  one with the round shape is recommended. On the other hand, in contrast to the classic and elongated whole grain. The reason for this is that it cooks better, and absorbs less water, making it ideal for this dish. In addition, you also need to choose well the elements that make up the broth .

  • Good choice of vegetables and seasoning.
  • Avoid using commercial flavor cubes at all costs.
  • It is preferable to add salt after seasoning.
  • The trick to making a good broth is to fill it with ingredients that add flavor to the dish: shrimp, in this case.

In addition, we must also focus on the sauce. Which is the “soul” for the ultimate taste of delicious rice with shrimp. Without further ado, let’s see how to make this succulent dish.

This is the procedure to make a delicious creamy rice with shrimp

Rice with sauce and shrimp
Choosing a suitable rice, along with some fresh ingredients, is the key to preparing creamy rice with shrimp.


  • 2 cups of fresh shrimp (240 g).
  • 1 and 1/2 cups of “bomb” rice (180 g).
  • 1 bunch of leeks (100 g).
  • 3 “pear” type tomatoes (360 g).
  • 1 green pepper (95 g).
  • 1 large onion (120 g).
  • 3 cloves of garlic (45 g).
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil (60 ml).
  • Turmeric (60 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of dry parsley (30 g).


First part

  1. First, wash, drain and cut the shrimp. Be careful with the shrimp’s intestinal strands, leaving them aside (you won’t use this part).
  2. Preserve the other parts, and keep in reserve for later use with the broth.
  3. Afterwards, start with the preparation of a quick broth, or fumet.
  4. We recommend using the heads and shells left over from the shrimp to do this procedure.
  5. Then, chop the following ingredients into small pieces: garlic cloves, dry parsley, and tomato “pear”.
  6. On the other hand, put all the ingredients mentioned in a cauldron, and place over medium heat.
  7. Add water (approximately 1 liter), and season with a touch of salt.
  8. In short, the total cooking time should not exceed 20 minutes. Although it can vary, if the intensity of the fire is increased.

Second part

Creamy rice
The preparation of a good broth will bring many nuances to our preparation.
  1. Once you have completed the previous step, strain the broth a little.
  2. To do this, use a cloth, and reserve the resulting broth for a little later, to use in the recipe for delicious creamy rice with shrimp.
  3. In a hot saucepan or skillet with olive oil, start with the sauté of the onions, garlic cloves, tomato and salt.
  4. After a few minutes, add the green peppers and the previously chopped paprika, so that the stir-fry acquires more flavor.
  5. Then, with the sauté almost to the point, add the saffron.
  6. Once again, you will cook for 15 minutes.
  7. Once you’re done, add the rice to the casserole and start calculating the water volumes.
  8. To make it soft, you should use more water than rice, and cook with the flame to a minimum. Add salt if necessary.
  9. Finally, add the rest of the shrimp; a touch of more parsley, and cook for another 10 minutes.
  10. When the time is up, taste the preparation.

As you can see, if you follow these simple steps, you can enjoy delicious creamy rice with shrimp. We encourage you to prepare it and taste this very nutritious and tasty dish.


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