Clear The Organism Naturally In 3 Days

Just as we take a shower every day, wash our clothes, and brush our teeth, the insides of our bodies also need periodic cleaning. It is advisable to drink a glass of ice water when getting up and another one when going to bed.
Clear the organism naturally in 3 days

Diets and plans to cleanse the body are gaining in popularity. After all, humanity has been more aware of the harmful toxins and wastes that need to be eliminated from the body.

In this article, we will show you a 3-day diet to cleanse your body in a healthy way. This is not a very radical plan, where only juices are ingested, for example.

They are basically recommendations of what we should avoid and include in our diet. So we will adopt healthier habits that will provide more health and well-being.

It will help increase energy levels, strengthen immunity, fight free radicals through the presence of antioxidants. It also improves your ability to concentrate and helps you start a weight loss program.

Remembering that losing weight is not the main objective of this diet. Also because the period is too short to notice any significant difference; The main reason to follow this plan is to improve your health.


The basic premise of this diet is to eliminate “toxic” foods that can be harmful to health, increasing the consumption of organic and whole foods, avoiding processed and highly industrialized foods. Here are some items to avoid during the body’s cleansing period:

  • Reduce or cut your consumption of caffeine, present in coffees and also in beverages such as green tea. Also avoid alcohol consumption. These recommendations are made as both caffeine and alcohol can put a strain on the liver and kidneys, which have to work hard to deal with these substances.
  • Avoid sugar consumption, especially refined sugar. We also recommend avoiding brown sugar and honey, only during these three days.
  • Stay away from refined grains and white flour. If you are going to consume rice, pasta and bread, always opt for the wholegrain versions.
  • Cut your consumption of processed, frozen and processed foods, which are rich in sodium and numerous chemical components that are harmful to health.
  • Also avoid ingesting saturated and hydrogenated fats.
  • In relation to meat, during these 3 days we only recommend the consumption of lean meats such as fish and chicken. Avoid beef and pork.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it should be rich in protein and carbohydrates. In this way, it will provide us with the energy we need to face the journey with more disposition.

We suggest eating a bowl of low-fat, unsweetened yogurt, whole grain or rolled oats, and a fruit of your choice, such as strawberries or kiwi fruit.

Another option is a tapioca with a light filling, such as turkey breast and cottage cheese, accompanied by a natural fruit juice. In either yogurt or juice, you can add a scoop of flaxseed for even more health benefits.


For lunch, start with a brightly colored salad plate containing different vegetables and leafy greens. Also, bet on tomatoes, carrots, peppers, beets, radishes, or others of your choice.

For the main course, we suggest a small portion of rice or wholegrain pasta, accompanied by a grilled chicken or fish fillet.



Dinner should be the lightest meal of the day so that we can sleep without a heavy stomach. We suggest a vegetable soup or cream accompanied again by a fish fillet or grilled chicken. A salmon, for example, can be an excellent choice.

Snacks that help cleanse the body

dry fruits

For snacks, we recommend a small portion of oilseeds, such as almonds, walnuts, pistachios and chestnuts, accompanied by a fruit of your choice.

extra recommendations

  • Drink plenty of water: this tip is essential to complete the body’s cleansing process. So try to drink at least 8 glasses of plain water, spread out over the course of the day.
  • Start the day with a glass of lukewarm water mixed with the juice of half a lemon about 30 minutes before breakfast to start the purification process.
  • Opt for organic food whenever possible
  • Be careful with the dressing on the salads. We only recommend olive oil, coconut oil or balsamic vinegar.
  • Abuse of spices and spices rich in antioxidants, which also have anti-inflammatory properties, such as turmeric, garlic, cinnamon, parsley, coriander, basil and ginger.
  • We do not recommend the practice of very intense physical activity during these three days, as the menu may not offer all the energy needed for this. However, we suggest a walk or a bike ride of about 30 minutes a day, as sweating also helps to eliminate toxins.
  • Sleep well these 3 days, at least 8 hours each. Sleep is essential for the body to function properly.

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