Citrus Fruits Help Fight Obesity And Cerebral Infarctions

In order to make the most of the properties and benefits of citrus fruits, it is convenient that we consume the fruits directly, not their juice, and whenever possible, that we opt for organically grown ones.

We all know that citrus fruits are healthy. We consume them in juices, naturally and combined in many of our everyday dishes.

Now, something that we probably don’t usually consider is that oranges and lemons are  very recommended when facing obesity.

Also, they are wonderful supporters of liver and heart health. All these virtues they offer us are achieved thanks to components we want to talk about next: the flavanones.

We are sure that this information will be of great use. However, consider something essential: always look for pesticide-free, organically grown citrus fruit.

Only then will we make the most of the natural treasure of these wonderful fruits.

Citrus fruits, synonymous with health

At the last meeting of the American Society for Health and Chemistry, held in August of that same year, an interesting work on the benefit of citrus fruit for our health was exposed.

This study has been published in several scientific journals. Thus, the data that many people already know were completed with new data with which we became even more convinced about the need to consume citrus fruit frequently.

Oranges and lemons to regulate body fat

Obesity is currently a public health problem. Not maintaining a proper weight increases the risk of developing certain heart diseases, liver problems and diabetes.

Woman who lost weight thanks to citrus

Obesity increases oxidative stress and inflation. Therefore, a series of reactions that are very dangerous for our health are triggered.

  • Having a lot of fat cell deposits is a serious problem for our health, which we must act on as soon as possible.
  • Eating “little” is not the solution. We must eat well. Any type of food we put on our plates is even more important than the quantity.
  • Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges or grapefruit contain large amounts of antioxidants. Among them, the most powerful are the flavanones.
  • Citrus flavanones help us  reduce the oxidative stress caused by excess fat.  If we consume citrus on a regular basis, these deposits will be less resistant.

So, you have to take this into account: drinking lemon juice does not make us lose weight immediately. What it actually does is that it becomes easier to lose weight, because the fat is not so “compact” anymore.

Fat nodules are more fragile. Also, citrus fruits favor liver functions. They help to lower the blood glucose level and allow us to prevent abdominal obesity.

Citrus flavonones reduce strokes in women

Cerebral infarctions pose another of the greatest public health risks today. Furthermore, they have a very high incidence in women.

Even though we cannot prevent them 100%, we can reduce their development by an interesting percentage.

The flavonones in citrus fruits help us  reduce the risk of a brain attack by almost 19%. They achieve this by preventing the formation of clots and, above all, by helping us to keep the blood vessels in the brain in good condition.

  • According to a study published in the journal, it was shown that women who consumed oranges, lemons and grapefruit daily were up to 19% less likely to have an ischemic stroke.
  • However, those responsible for this study warned us of something very important: it is necessary to avoid commercial juices, as they contain added sugars and are not healthy.
  • We must eat natural fruits. If we limit ourselves to bottled juices, we increase the risk of overweight and diabetes.
  • Undoubtedly, the most appropriate thing will be to eat whole fruits  and not so many products that include them.

Consume the “white part” of citrus

Here is the secret of citrus fruits like lemons or oranges: the white part of the fruit, which curiously is the first thing we throw away.

Do not do this. If you want to benefit even more from flavonones, consume this part.

  •  Not only do they fight obesity or prevent strokes, flavonones help us fight colon and breast cancer.
  • This antioxidant favors venous and arterial circulation  because of its anti-agglutinating and vasodilating properties.

So remember, if you eat orange, peel it and serve the segments along with that white skin that surrounds them.

On the other hand, if you choose lemons, be sure to  prepare what is known as the frozen lemon technique.

  • Just freeze some lemons. Then, every time you prepare a smoothie, salad, or natural fruit salad, just remove the lemon to grate it.
  • In this way, we take advantage of the entire piece of fruit, including the skin, pulp and white part.

In conclusion, to take care of our well-being and prevent illnesses, it is best to maintain a balanced diet. Conscious and intelligent eating is the key  to our inner balance.

Also, remember, always choose organically grown citrus fruit.

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