Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Natural Remedies To Relieve Symptoms

It is very important to pay attention to our posture while we sleep so as not to interrupt circulation in any part of the body. We can also do local exercises to reduce tension.

This is a very common problem due to the type of life and work we lead. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by frequent computer use, by repeating certain movements with the wrist, or by playing a sport.

It has various symptoms, such as weakness of the hand or fingers, numbness and tingling. Learn about the causes and the best natural remedies to treat carpal tunnel syndrome in this article.

What is and what causes “carpal tunnel syndrome”?

It is a condition that originates from excessive pressure on the median nerve, located in the wrist, which allows movement and sensation of the entire hand, including the fingers and palm. It is a narrow “tunnel”, so any small inflammation can compress the nerve, causing pain, weakness, or numbness.

This syndrome  is caused by excessive use of the computer and mouse, repeated movements while working, playing a musical instrument, or playing certain sports. These activities can also cause tendonitis or bursitis.

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs, in most cases, in people between 30 and 60 years old, being more frequent in men than in women. Some of the additional factors that can trigger it are:

  • Alcoholism
  • Wrist arthritis
  • bone fracture
  • Cyst or tumor in the wrist
  • infections
  • Obesity
  • Fluid retention (pregnancy or menopause)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

most common symptoms

The most common symptoms of a person suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome are:

  • Numbness or tingling in the thumb of one or both hands (according to the triggering activity), also in the index and middle fingers
  • Tingling in the same areas
  • Pain that goes from the hand to the elbow
  • Problems in coordination movements
  • Weakness in hands
  • Feeling of heat in fingers or palm
  • frequent nighttime falling asleep

Home Remedies to Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

See your doctor if you think you have carpal tunnel syndrome. He may prescribe you some anti-inflammatory medication or splints for a few weeks. Also, depending on the severity, surgery may be performed to free the carpal tunnel.

Here are some  home remedies that can help relieve your symptoms:

  • The  seed oil flax can be effective for treating pain containing the fatty acids that help relieve inflammation.
  • Vitamin B6 is believed   to help better tolerate the pain caused by this syndrome. Eat foods rich in vitamin B6, such as sardines, walnuts, bananas, lentils, chicken breast or green vegetables.
Foods to Relieve Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms

Placing ice packs on the wrist or hand will help reduce inflammation. Never put a hot pad or towel, as it will worsen the condition.

  • Arnica tincture is also commonly used  to reduce inflammation. Dip a cotton cloth and apply to the affected area.
  • The  ginger has anti-inflammatory properties  that may help relieve the pain. Pour two tablespoons of powdered ginger into a cup of boiling water. Cover and let cool. Consume two cups a day.
  • You can use fenugreek flour. Boil three tablespoons with plenty of water for 15 minutes to form a paste. When cool, apply it to the area.

3 curative juices for carpal tunnel syndrome

In addition, you can consume the juices presented below. Due to the properties that its ingredients contain, they can help you fight pain and symptoms:

Grapefruit, orange and pineapple juice

The first of them has as ingredients a grapefruit or grapefruit, an orange and a slice of peeled pineapple.

Wash and cut the grapefruit and orange in half, extracting their juice. Then put the liquid in a blender and add the chopped pineapple slice. Tap and strain. Drink a glass once every three days or every day.

Juice to relieve symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

Cabbage and green apple juice

This juice takes a large cabbage leaf and two green apples. Wash, peel and chop the apples, place them in a blender along with the cabbage leaf and water. Beat for a few minutes. Drink one cup a day.

Pineapple, apple and ginger juice

This recipe takes a slice of peeled pineapple, half an apple and a small slice of ginger. Chop the pineapple and place it in a blender. Add the peeled and seedless apple and the ginger slice. Drink a glass daily, if possible in the morning.

Recommendations to Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Keep a natural and neutral position

Avoid having your hands or wrists bent whenever possible. If you use the keyboard a lot, it should be placed in such a way that your wrists do not need to be in an unnatural position.

Avoid unscrewing or picking up objects with the first three fingers of your hand, but with all of them, this puts more pressure on the carpal tunnel. Rest for two minutes for every hour of work and, if possible, change the activity.


Recommendations to Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

lead a healthy life

This will ensure that you do not suffer from problems with your circulatory system in general. Sleep well, exercise, avoid smoking, consume lots of fruits and vegetables, drink water, avoid fats and sugars, etc…

Take care of the position in which you sleep

During the night, it is advisable to keep your arms close to your body and your wrists straight to avoid pressure if they are under the body or in a painful position that could cause inflammation.

Perform area-specific exercises

They will help you improve circulation and reduce tension:

  • Make circles in both directions with your wrists, placing your palms down first.
  • Tense thumb, holding hand out and grasping right thumb with left hand, press gently as “stretch” (repeat five times and switch hands).
  • Extend your fingers well together, opening and closing.
  • Squeeze your hand as tightly as possible with a rubber ball or hold a light weight in your palm. Rest your forearm on a table and, with your wrist on the edge, lift your weight by flexing your wrist.

Use ergonomic objects

The keyboard is one of the most common, but there are others as well. These items put less strain on your wrists, hands, and elbows.

Ergonomic objects to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome

Images: Courtesy of handarmoc, Birdies100, Elise Hui, Viktor Rosenfeld, Martin Terber, Dmitry Dzhus.

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