Can Sunscreen Be Used As A Moisturizer?

Many people believe that sunscreen can act as a moisturizer or treatment cream. However, we must apply both, but in a certain order.
Can sunscreen be used as a moisturizer?

You may be wondering whether or not you can use sunscreen as a moisturizer. Especially in summer as, due to the heat, using too many creams can make us sweat even more and make us feel uncomfortable. However, the function of each is not exactly the same.

Here are some details about using sunscreen as a moisturizer. In addition, you can briefly know the function of each of them, in case you have any questions.

What you should know before using sunscreen as a moisturizer?

Woman with sunscreen on her face

1. The function of sunscreen

Before determining whether we can use a sunscreen as a moisturizer, we must know what sunscreen does. Its use  is primarily intended to protect the skin from ultraviolet (UV) rays. In this way, the protector prevents these rays from penetrating our skin and, in the future, causing damage.

Therefore, we must make it clear that   sunscreens are not cosmetic products, but protectors.

You can find some protective cream that is also moisturizing, but remember that its main function is to protect our skin from the sun. 

2. Creams with protection factor

On the other hand, as we said before, there are sunscreens that also include hydration. However, it is possible that sometimes when a sunscreen is mixed with this type of cream, its effectiveness is reduced. For this reason, experts always recommend  the use of sunscreen with a high protection factor (SPF).

This also doesn’t mean we can’t apply sunscreen a few hours after applying moisturizer. In this case, by not applying them at the same time, the sunscreen would not reduce their properties. 

3. Apply the protector before or after?

With all of the above, we could say that sunscreen should not be used as a moisturizer. However, we may also have questions about using sunscreen before or after a moisturizer.

Woman applying a sunscreen treatment cream.

According to Elsevier magazine, the answer is that  the moisturizer should always be placed a few hours before the sunscreen. If we put on the sunscreen right afterward, we might be able to make it less effective, as we said before.

However, we must remember that  in no case should the product be used for any purpose other than its own. That is, if we have dry skin, it is advisable to use moisturizer.

However, if we are going to be out in the sun, it is better to opt for sunscreen. Anyway, we must not forget the importance of  using sunscreen whenever possible.

So, can sunscreen be used as a moisturizer or not?


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