Burns In Children: How To Act

First, we must remove the child from the source of the burn. Then cool and wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water. If the burn is deep, we should always consult a doctor.
Burns in children: how to act

We’ve all been burned at some point. We’ve all had an accident like that. However, how to act when it comes to burns in children? In addition to having a medicine cabinet at home, there are certain steps to take and a few things that need to be taken into account.

Therefore, in this article, we present some basic tips for treating burns in children.


hand burn

Getting burned is one of the most common accidents at home. In fact, among the groups that suffer the most accidents of this type are housewives over 45 years old, the elderly over 65 years old and, finally, also children under five years old.

Therefore, it is important to know what to do to face burns in children.

Types of burns

First, we must differentiate the different types of burns. In fact, depending on their extension, we will have to face them in quite different ways. See below:

  • First degree burns

These burns only affect the epidermis, that is, the outermost part of the skin. The skin is red, but no blisters appear. The most typical example is burns caused by exposure to the sun.

  • Second degree burns

They affect the dermis and epidermis. This time, in addition to reddening the skin, blisters will also appear. An example of second-degree burns is classic burns when a hot liquid falls on the skin.

  • third degree burns

Of course, they are the most dangerous type of burns. In this case, all layers of the skin are affected. In fact, it can even affect muscles, nerves and bones. The appearance of a third-degree burn is that of charred skin. Obviously, they require immediate medical attention.

Burns in children

boy getting hot water container

Burns in children will need medical attention when they are extensive, that is, when they exceed 5% of the child’s body. Also, regardless of the extent, you should see a doctor when it comes to second- and third-degree burns.

However, depending on your location, there are burns that should be examined by a doctor, regardless of their degree:

  • Burns to the face, hands and feet
  • joint burns
  • If there was contact with high voltage
  • If there is gas inhalation

How to act in cases of burns in children

Burns in children: arm wrapped in chiffon

Some of the tips we’ll give you next will seem obvious. Others, on the contrary, maybe you know them or you haven’t thought about them yet. Anyway, they are really useful, and this protocol ensures better management of burns in children. Write down.

  • First, remove the child from the source of the burn.
  • Then remove your clothes or accessories only if they are not stuck to your skin. If they are stuck together, leave them as they are. Because otherwise, you might end up doing even more damage.
  • Then cool the burn. To do this, open the faucet and let running water fall into the affected area for a few minutes. Furthermore, it is important that the water is at normal temperature and not cold. On the other hand, we can also soak gauze with water or saline solution and apply it to the burn.
  • Also, clean the entire area thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Depending on the degree, we will go to the doctor or not. In case of sunburn, we can apply a moisturizer for a few days. However, in the case of deeper burns, medical attention is essential. In such cases, the doctor may even prescribe an antibiotic cream.

What not to do for burns in children

In case of burns in children, wash the burn with water and apply gauze
  • First, do not apply ice or ice water directly to the burn. It can be even worse.
  • If there is a blister, do not pierce it. Instead, leave it as is, otherwise you may cause an infection.
  • On the other hand, do not give children antibiotics without a prescription. Also, they are not particularly suitable for burns.
  • Finally, do not apply talcum powder, butter or toothpaste. Contrary to popular belief, applying these products can make the situation worse.

Anyway, remember that children’s skin is special. Even if the burns are first degree, if the pain is severe or persists for a long time, do not hesitate to consult your pediatrician to rule out major problems.

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