Benefits Of Adding Watermelon Seeds To The Diet

Did you know that, in addition to helping to eliminate excess fluid, watermelon seeds are a rich source of antioxidants? They can also give us energy in times of weakness.
Benefits of adding watermelon seeds to the diet

Watermelon is a delicious and refreshing fruit that is characterized by its high water content and antioxidant substances. It is known as one of the summer foods; as it is suitable for hydrating the body on those days of intense heat. Furthermore, watermelon seeds also offer some benefits. 

Watermelon is rich in essential nutrients that provide significant health benefits.

It contains a substance called lycopene which, in exchange for low calories, helps cleanse the body and eliminate excess fluid. What some people don’t know is that their seeds, often discarded, are full of nutrients and properties that can also be used.

The ingestion of seeds, through teas and drinks, can  prevent diseases and help with the functions of several important organs.

Do you want to know what are the benefits of watermelon seeds?

natural laxative


Watermelon seeds contain a good amount of dietary fiber, a nutrient that regulates bowel movement to stimulate the expulsion of waste products.

Its intake replaces synthetic laxatives that are recommended to combat and regulate digestion.

Excellent diuretic

As is the case with the fruit, its seeds have an excellent diuretic action that favors the expulsion of liquids retained in the tissues.

Its medicinal tea is an ancient remedy against the accumulation of waste in the formation of kidney stones and stone formation.

Its active compounds help the urinary tract functions and increase fluid elimination, thus preventing the proliferation of bacteria.

In addition, it also encourages the removal of toxins and heavy metals, reducing the risk of serious illness.

Given its ability to balance body fluids and salts; its regular consumption helps control high blood pressure.

Rich in Antioxidants

watermelon-seed benefits

While the fruit is rich in lycopene, the seeds contain other important antioxidants such as magnesium and zinc.

They participate in controlling oxidative damage and prevent early deterioration of joints and bones.

good energy source

It’s a shame that many prefer to throw them away without taking advantage of their energy values. Watermelon seeds contain very few calories, but their energy value is significant in the fight against states of weakness.

Its minerals and fibers help combat the feeling of tiredness and increase physical and mental performance.

While 100 grams of watermelon provides only 20.3 calories, seeds can provide up to 555 calories.

Obviously we can’t get this amount with each intake, because we use very few seeds in the preparation of drinks.

Dyslipidemia treatment


Dyslipidemia is a variety of disorders in the body whose common element is an imbalance in the metabolism of lipids in the blood.

Excess cholesterol accumulated in the arteries and lack of triglyceride control are part of these conditions.

Being an ingredient rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as omega 3 and 6, these seeds control these problems and facilitate blood cleansing.

Thanks to these functions, the risk of clogging and hardening of the arteries is reduced; avoiding serious circulatory problems and cardiovascular diseases.

How to make a drink with watermelon seeds?

watermelon-seed benefits

The preparation of this drink is very simple and doesn’t take a lot of time. Although the seeds can be used whole; it’s better that you use them in powder so that their nutrients are released.


  • 4 tablespoons of watermelon seeds (40 g)
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 cup of chopped watermelon (150 g) (optional)


  • Put the liter of water in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  • As it comes to a boil, remove the watermelon seeds and grind them in a grinder.
  • When you get a powder from the seeds, add it to hot water and let it sit on low heat for thirty minutes.
  • After this time, turn off the heat and let it sit for an hour.
  • Then pass the contents through a sieve and pour the liquid into a jar.
  • For a delicious drink, place the water in a blender and blend with the fresh watermelon pieces.
  • Take it to the refrigerator or serve immediately with a few ice cubes.

mode of consumption

  • Drink the first glass of the drink on an empty stomach and wait at least thirty minutes to eat.
  • You can consume it for two consecutive days each week for good results.
  • Avoid adding sugar or artificial sweeteners as their properties are lost.
  • Also, do not exceed the recommended amount of seed as you may have negative effects.

Ready to get started? Now that you know the qualities of these seeds, don’t hesitate to take advantage of the benefits they can offer you.

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