Banana And Potato Juice To Treat Stomach Ulcers

Although you should never substitute medical treatments, this natural remedy can be a very effective adjunct to relieve the pain and symptoms of gastric ulcers.
Banana and Potato Juice to Treat Stomach Ulcers

The banana and potato drink is a very easy and effective remedy to relieve stomach ulcers.

These wounds, which cause us so many problems and appear in the lining of the stomach, esophagus or upper small intestine, can be treated with these two foods that you certainly have right now at home.

The  enzymes present in bananas and potatoes will stimulate the reconstruction of the gastric mucosa in these areas where ulcers appear and, in addition, may favor healing and relieve pain.

We will explain more below.

Potato juice, healthy for gastritis and stomach ulcers

In our natural remedy for peptic ulcers, we are going to include green bananas. They are richer in starches and flavonoids, which will help us to improve the problem.

It is clear that this banana drink will not cure ulcers, what it will manage is to treat it and promote its healing thanks to leucocyanidin, a type of flavonoid that rebuilds the injured or inflamed tissue of the gastric mucosa.

  • The green banana drink, like its puree, will help us treat both the acidity and the burning stomach or the uncomfortable feeling of being full.
  • As a curiosity, we explain that natural medicine uses green banana extract to complement the traditional treatments for ulcers, due to its virtues in stimulating the healing of the mucosa of the entire digestive system.
green banana

Another aspect that must be taken into account is that these natural remedies will never replace the treatment recommended by doctors. We are facing a food supplement that can be very good in your day-to-day life to make you feel better.

The Benefits of Potato Juice

It is quite possible that you were surprised by this data, but the potato is a very powerful tuber for relieving gastritis and pain caused by gastric ulcers, as well as many intestinal problems.

However, for it to be effective, it is important to take these data into account:

  • Potato juice should be consumed as soon as it is prepared, never overnight.
  • The potato should be as healthy as possible, without sprouts in the skin or overripe.
  • Before making raw potato juice in a blender, we must wash it well and peel it.
  • Green banana juice with potatoes should be drunk on an empty stomach, and you should wait about 30 minutes before starting breakfast.

It takes an empty stomach to benefit from its incredible nutrients such as potassium, iron, calcium and vitamins A, B and C.

This potato juice is rich in a type of alkaline salts that will help us reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes in the stomach and intestine.

In addition, it promotes the purification of the body, the elimination of toxins through the urine and the healing of those wounds that settle in the stomach.

How to make our banana and potato juice



  • 1 banana (if possible, green, or not overripe)
  • 1 medium clean and not very ripe potato
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

Method of preparation:

  • As we indicated before, the most recommended way to treat stomach ulcers is to include a green banana in the drink. If you can’t find it, just use one that isn’t very mature.
  • Peel the banana, cut it into small pieces and set aside. Now get the potato juice. To do this, first wash it, peel it and cut it into four pieces to make it easier to beat.
  • Process the potato in a blender to obtain the juice. As you will see, this drink will be white in color, thick and rich in starch and vitamins. Now just add the green banana and the glass of water.
  • The result will be a light-colored drink that is not too thick, thanks to the glass of water we have added, which will facilitate the consumption of the remedy.

Try to start your day with this juice. You will see how your stomach improves, how acidity and pain are reduced.

Also remember that it is essential to follow the treatment prescribed by doctors and avoid spicy or fatty foods.

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