Are You Worried About Your Brain Health? Discover Six Bad Habits That Can Affect You

Although they are not related, there are certain habits that we may not consider harmful and that nevertheless do much damage to our brain health and our cognitive abilities.
Are you concerned about your brain health?  Discover six bad habits that can affect you

Despite being aware of the importance of brain health, many are not aware that  certain habits can promote wear and tear and cause various diseases.

While cognitive diseases are related to genetic factors and age, some daily practices can also influence their appearance.

The problem is that  many do not know how to take care of this organ  and, despite the recommendations, maintain certain habits that accelerate aging.

As a result, damage occurs to neurons and brain tissue, affecting their abilities, which involve essential functions for a good quality of life.

Therefore, it is essential to find out which habits affect you and how they can be avoided to reduce the risk.

1. Consuming too much sugar is harmful to the brain

Sugar can be harmful to the brain

Excessive consumption of refined sugar is related to the tendency to develop metabolic and brain diseases.

This ingredient, present in many foods,  reduces the production of chemicals in the brain  and, over time, affects its functions.

Your daily intake is listed as one of the causes of anxiety, depression and dementia.


  • Choose natural sweeteners like honey, coconut sugar or stevia.
  • Check food labels and opt for low-sugar alternatives.

2. Skip breakfast

The daily consumption of a healthy breakfast is one of the essential habits to keep a strong, healthy and young brain.

This meal, which is one of the most important of the day, gives the body a lot of essential nutrients that allow it to stay active throughout the day.

Ignoring it or replacing it with unhealthy choices can increase the risk of metabolic, emotional and memory problems.

Also, as the energy level is affected,  the activity of neurons decreases and concentration becomes difficult.


Plan your breakfast weekly, and make sure it contains sources of:

  • Vitamins.
  • Minerals.
  • Dietary fiber.
  • Protein.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Antioxidants.

3. Smoking

Smoking can be harmful to the brain

Smokers are exposed to a large amount of toxins that over time affect the tissues of many organs.

These toxic substances accelerate the cellular aging process  and also increase the risk of cancer by interfering with cognitive functions.

These consequences also affect passive smokers, who  can develop diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.


  • Stop smoking cigarettes as soon as possible and adopt healthy habits to control anxiety.
  • Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke.

4. Not consuming enough water

Insufficient water consumption is one of the factors influencing premature deterioration of brain tissue.

Dehydration lowers energy levels, affects mood and reduces concentration.

This is because the brain is made up largely of water, which causes its shrinkage to disrupt its functions.

In addition, the lack of fluid affects the health of the circulatory system and, therefore,  interferes with the oxygenation process of brain cells.


  • Consume between 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Increase your intake of water-rich fruits and vegetables.
  • Choose to prepare infusions, juices and other natural drinks.

5. Sleep little

Too little sleep can be harmful to the brain

Having poor sleep quality decreases physical and mental productivity and, in fact, affects emotional health.

When the body does not rest long enough, frontal lobe functions are reduced and this affects creative thinking.

This in turn increases the release of stress hormones and decreases your ability to solve everyday problems.


  • Sleep in a calm environment, never less than 8 hours.
  • Avoid using electronic devices before bed.
  • Eat a light meal for dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime.

6. Being exposed to polluted environments

To perform all its functions smoothly,  the brain needs a continuous supply of oxygen,  which allows you to maintain your energy level.

However, due to the polluted environment, gas exchanges are affected and oxygen transport can have difficulty reaching the cells.

This decreases the efficiency of cognitive work and, incidentally, increases the risk of disorders such as dementia. 


  • Avoid highly polluted environments and, if you need to expose yourself, take preventive measures.
  • Try to go to green areas where you can breathe fresh air.

As we’ve just noted, while some habits may seem harmless, they can actually have  many consequences for your brain’s health.

Try to avoid them as much as possible and follow the recommendations given.

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