Annual Medical Check-ups That All Women Must Have

We must carry out annual consultations and check-ups in order to detect any anomaly in time.
Annual medical exams that all women should have

All women, without exception, must undergo a series of exams every year without fail. This is a much-needed practice to timely detect many life-threatening diseases.

There are some exams that doctors often forget to pass on to their patients. However, we always recommend that you require them, as you depend on them to make sure your body is functioning properly.

Below you will find out which exams you should take every year without fail:


This is one of the most important exams that women should take each year.

Through cytology, thousands of lives have been saved in the world, and many women still need to realize the importance of this exam and not forget to do it.

One very important thing you should know is that this exam is painless and only lasts 3 minutes.

But through it it is possible to discover diseases such as the human papilloma virus (HPV) and the beginning of uterine cancer, diseases that discovered in time can be treated and save your life.

the mammogram

This is another of the primary exams to save lives. Mammography is an exam that, like cytology, must be done every year. It is recommended for all women over fifty.

Through this exam, specialists can detect abnormalities in the breasts, such as lumps or masses that shouldn’t be there. In this way, they can diagnose breast cancer that, if treated in time, is curable.

bone density

Well known to most people, bone decalcification is more common in women at the time of menopause.

To avoid serious complications caused by fractures, it is essential to perform a bone density exam, which will be very useful for the physician to detect in time the risk of suffering osteoporosis and prevent the fractures that may occur.


This is a test that allows you to see inside both the colon and rectum through a very small camera that is attached to a very flexible probe.

Through this test, it is possible to discover and treat in time some complicated health problems such as colitis, abnormal pouches in the intestines, and colon cancer.

the blood glucose

This is a simple test in which blood sugar levels are measured.

It is a test that is usually performed on pregnant women to prevent some risks that may present themselves during pregnancy and also to maintain glucose control in patients with hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia or diabetes.

At a general check-up, this test will be included to measure your blood sugar levels and thus prevent many health complications.

Thus, we can conclude that given all the benefits we get from just having a medical appointment each year and asking the doctor for these mentioned tests, we will be preventing serious health complications and we will be able to live healthy with our loved ones for many more years.

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