Advice For Your Children’s Hair To Grow Strong And Beautiful

Feeding children is very important for hair growth, even though we often don’t associate these two issues. Below are other factors that influence the growth of healthy and strong hair.

Children’s hair tends to change a lot over time. During breastfeeding, it is normal to have a small amount, but when you realize it, it will be very bulky. So, you will need to know how to take care of your children’s hair so that it grows as strong and healthy as possible.

Another aspect that we must take into account is that

Characteristics of your children’s hair growth

Don’t worry if your son or daughter was born with little hair and if you notice that over the months they still don’t grow. It’s normal. Each child has their own hair growth pattern, and there is no other option but to be patient.

As this publication in the journal Clinics in Dermatology details , the normal is that at 3 years of age the hair is completely covering the heads of the little ones. As you may already know, hair color can vary, as well as it can be straight, wavy, with curls, among many other options.

However, you also need to know that the hair that babies come into the world with is not definitive. For example, many children are born with very light hairs that, over the years, can eventually darken. A similar process can occur with the eyes.

The reason for these characteristics? In babies, the cells that produce melanin are still immature, so they cannot produce those definitive shades of hair and eye color that their genetic heritage has determined.

During the first years of life, hair undergoes a series of changes. Therefore, it is important to know how to take care of it.

Feeding your children’s hair to grow strong

As is already known, children need a varied, balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and antioxidants. But what kind of nutrients can make children’s hair grow stronger?

Biotin, for example, is one of the recommended vitamins for little ones. Although the evidence is still quite limited, research published in Skin Appendage Disorders determined that this nutrient helped reduce excessive hair loss.

On the other hand, as observed in a research published in Dermatology and Therapy , deficiencies of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, B, C, D and E, iron, selenium and zinc, have an influence on hair health and can generate problems like alopecia.

Therefore, the ideal is to include in the diet some foods that contain these nutrients. In general, the recommended foods are as follows:

  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Legumes.
  • Whole grains.
  • Fatty fish.
  • Lean meats.
  • Dairy products.

care with your children’s hair

The American Association of the Academy of Dermatology notes that, as parents, it is important to teach children how to care for their hair so that it grows healthy and beautiful. In this regard, he says that many common practices cause aggression to the hair and reduce its shine.

What precautions should you take into account? In order for your children’s hair to remain healthy, you should improve from washing to the products you choose to treat it. Here are some tips.

1. Frequency of washing

According to a study published in the International Journal of Trichology , the frequency of hair washing is based on individual preferences and is often influenced by hair size, culture and other factors.

Washing frequency may vary depending on your children’s hair type, according to the American Academy of Dermatology . However, it is generally not harmful to wash it regularly when suitable products are used.

This same research highlights that regular and frequent cleaning with a shampoo with a good formula will not damage the hair. Therefore, you can wash your child’s hair regularly, as long as you use appropriate products that respect their natural pH.

2. Untangle carefully

It is normal for girls’ long hair to be full of small knots and for it to be difficult to untangle. In relation to this theme, you should know that it is convenient to comb it several times a day.

To make this process easier, the American Academy of Dermatology advises using a wide-tooth comb more often than brushes and, of course, using a conditioner.

3. Avoid using heat tools

It’s okay if, on a specific occasion, you want to straighten your daughter’s hair for a party or event. However, to avoid aggressions and hair problems, you should avoid the use of this type of heat tool as much as possible.

As detailed in a research published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science , this type of device causes damage to the capillary keratin and can lead to dryness and shedding problems.

Healthy habits to take care of your children’s hair

In addition to what has been said, it is important to highlight the importance of teaching children good habits, so that they take care not only of their hair, but of their health. So, sleeping well, exercising, and avoiding sweets and processed foods can also help to have strong, healthy hair. Keep this in mind!

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