Advice And Natural Remedies For Maintaining A Healthy Liver

On some occasions, given the complexity of its tasks, the liver ends up saturating or contracting some kind of disease. By consuming certain foods and infusions, we can help detoxify you.
Advice and Natural Remedies for Maintaining a Healthy Liver

The liver is the second largest organ in the body, followed by the skin and, in addition, it is indispensable in the digestive and detoxification processes. With that in mind, today we’ll talk about tips and natural remedies to maintain a healthy liver.

This organ performs 500 different tasks, and among the main ones is the function of filtering about a liter of blood per minute when it is in excellent condition.

During the filtering process, the liver cleans the blood of substances such as hormones, drugs, medications, chemical substances in general, germs and toxins.

About 500 million people are infected with chronic viral hepatitis worldwide, and nearly one million die each year from liver failure or cancer.

However, many of these deaths can be avoided through a diet that allows taking care of this organ and, above all, ensuring a good performance of the function it performs.

We want to make you aware of the care you must take to keep your liver healthy. For this, the treatment is based on a healthy diet, avoiding alcohol and preventing as much as possible some of the hepatitis.

Symptoms of a Troubled Liver

Jaundice, blemishes, red nose, acne and various skin disorders. Also sticky mouth, poor digestion, nausea, gas, chills during the first hours of digestion.

Bad bowel movements, constipation or diarrhea, very colored stools, intestinal cramps, bloating, anal itching, parasites, demineralization, anemia, diabetes, obesity or thinness, appendicitis, difficulty sleeping.

Changes in urine, pain under the ribs on the right side, headaches, cirrhosis, abscesses, gallstones in the liver, problems with vision, hearing, swollen legs, rheumatism, sclerosis, glandular imbalance, discomfort during menstruation.

Infertility or male impotence, emotional problems and instability, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, tendencies to hemorrhage, propensity for mosquito bites and even cancer.

Occasionally it’s vital to help your liver heal. There are so many tasks and so complex, that the liver can have problems to perform its functions correctly, and infectious diseases can occur. However, there are natural products that can keep your liver healthy.

Natural products that keep the liver healthy


Natural products that help the liver

Known as the liver plant, its properties help to regenerate and care for this organ. Boldo contains boldine, an alkaloid that stimulates the production of bile, the secretion of uric acid and gastric juices, which facilitate the liver’s work and make it efficient.

In addition, this plant is a fungicide and antioxidant and, most importantly, anti-inflammatory. We can consume it in an infusion, prepare a tea with its leaves and in the version of pills sold in health food stores.

Its consumption is indicated after lunch and dinner to aid digestion and liver function. In fact, at night is when the liver increases its function, and the infusion after dinner will help to eliminate the toxins.


Without a doubt, garlic is one of the best foods in natural liver cleansing. It activates enzymes, which eliminate toxins, while allicin and selenium found in garlic keep the liver clean and healthy.

Widely used in food, it is a healthy habit, contributing to the health of your liver.

Whole grains

Brown rice and other cereals with levels of the B vitamin complex  support liver function in multiple ways, including improving fat metabolism and decongesting overall liver function.

Avoid white flour foods and opt for alternatives such as whole wheat at home.

cruciferous vegetables

These vegetables act as a potent liver detoxifier due to chemicals that neutralize certain toxins, such as nitrosamines, found in cigarette smoke.

It also contains glucosinolates, which help the liver produce the enzymes needed for the detoxification process. These vegetables are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage.

Fruit antioxidants

According to a study carried out by the University of Tuffs, it was found in these fruits high levels of antioxidants, they are:

  • Plum;
  • Raisins;
  • Blueberries;
  • Blackberry;
  • Strawberries;
  • Raspberries;
  • Orange;
  • pink grapefruit
  • Melon
  • Apples
  • pears

Antioxidants help protect the liver from the high levels of free radicals that are naturally produced during the detox process. And now? What are you waiting for to keep your liver healthy? Get started today!

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