A Wonderful Salt And Oil Treatment For Joint Pain

Natural remedies, such as this salt and oil treatment, are very effective and long-lasting, in addition to not harming our bodies. Start with a three-minute massage and increase the duration.
A wonderful treatment with salt and oil against joint pain

Every day joint pain is more frequent. This is because we have very little time to exercise, but also because of the increased life expectancy.

We live longer and therefore we use our bones and muscles more. As a result, they suffer greater wear.

In general, we resort to medication to relieve symptoms in a palliative way.

However, nature offers us other resources that help us without harming other organs, as do ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

These medications damage both the stomach and the liver. The latter is also offended by the consumption of stomach remedies.

Therefore, we present a powerful treatment based on a mixture of salt and oil. It is ideal against osteoporosis and other bone and muscle problems.

Besides, it’s within the reach of anyone and it’s easy to design. You will only need a glass container to keep it and a few minutes to apply it.

Olive oil properties

  • Olive oil is rich in some elements called polyphenols, which act as antioxidants. So, when this liquid gold comes in contact with our body, it slows down cell aging. This means that the pain takes longer to appear.
  • On the other hand, it also contains oleocanthal, a compound that fights the enzymes that cause inflammation. Therefore, three tablespoons of oil are equivalent to one-tenth part of commercial anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • In addition, it regulates pressure through monounsaturated fatty acids, something essential for good cardiovascular health.
  • Keep in mind that good circulation is essential for the maintenance of our body, as it ensures that the cells are properly nourished.

salt properties

For our salt and oil remedy for joint pain, we’re going to use sea salt because of its amazing benefits.

For starters, it has a lot of magnesium to strengthen our tissues. Therefore, it is a good remedy to prevent injuries to them, either by the passage of time or by the action of some pain.

In this sense, the minerals it contains are very beneficial to our immune system. As a result, our bones and muscles will recover faster if we resort to this product.

Thus, the effects of a walk, a long car journey, spending hours sitting or standing, will be much smaller.

As if that wasn’t enough, it also helps to improve the circulatory system; it is not in vain that many specialized doctors recommend swimming in the sea. This removes excess sodium from the blood and lowers blood pressure.

Treatment against joint pain based on salt and oil

Joint pain and treatment with salt and oil


  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 20 spoons of olive oil (320 g)
  • 10 tablespoons of salt (100 g)

Method of preparation

  • Mix 20 tablespoons of oil and 10 tablespoons of salt in a glass of water.
  • Mix all the ingredients and then massage the affected areas for 3 minutes.
  • At first this will be sufficient, but over time you will have to increase the duration of the massage.
  • The ultimate goal will be to reach 20 minutes. Don’t worry if you don’t have that much time, it’s not essential. At least try to reach 10 minutes.
Knee with joint pain

Apply the salt and oil treatment for about ten days. You will experience the effects very quickly and for a long time.  You will be able to move more easily, and the pain will be considerably lessened.

Thanks to this traditional therapy, you will rejuvenate your cells, improve your circulation and strengthen your defenses.

some more advice

There are skins that turn red with the massage and subsequent removal of the mixture.

  • To prevent this from occurring, first use a towel dampened with warm water.
  • Then pass another dry towel with talcum powder to soften the area.

With this simple measure, all discomfort will disappear and you will be able to continue with the treatment normally.

As you can see, this salt and oil treatment for joint pain is worth a try. It’s easy to prepare, simple to apply and the benefits are enormous.

If you are one of those people who do not trust traditional medicine, be encouraged to try this treatment. You won’t lose anything and you can gain a lot.

Are you excited to try and tell us about your experience? We are waiting.

And be sure to read our upcoming articles with more tips for your well-being.

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