Why Does Cold Sores Keep Recurring?

The virus usually activates and appears on the lips when some triggering factors become favourable. However, there are people who have this virus inactive and do not manifest it.
Why does cold sores always recur?

Many people are prone to develop diseases more frequently, including cold sores, affecting organs that function with difficulty due to genetic issues , bad habits or nutritional deficits, for example.

One of the most common cases is cold sores; which is more of an aesthetic concern than a major health issue.

We’ll explain why cold sores develop from time to time and how it can be treated naturally.

What is cold sores?

Cold sores are a small ulceration or blistering that appears around the lips as a consequence of the herpes simplex virus HSV-1. In fact, although it is very common in the lip region, it can also develop in other areas.

Typically,  herpes  begins to appear as a slight tingling or itching that, after a certain time, can turn into a blister that causes itching or even a more intense painful sensation.


Why does it always repeat itself?

There are few people who have lesions from this virus only once in their lifetime. They usually occur every certain period of time, as it is caused by a virus that remains in the body. 

Typically, the HSV-1 virus is contracted in childhood, as it is spread through close contact. It reaches the body through the skin until it permanently migrates to nerve cells.

When some triggering factors occur, the virus activates and then the herpes appears on the lips. However, there are people who have the virus in their body, but it remains inactive or latent.

triggering factors

There is no clear theory of what causes this virus to activate. However, some factors that can influence its reactivation have been studied :

  • Stress: stress unbalances the body and attacks its natural defenses, thus allowing the state of health to begin to decline.;

In most cases,  herpes does not show up during times of stress. It usually occurs after this condition, when the body is relaxed and trying to get back to its normal rhythm.

  • Infections and fevers: caused by other pathogens and present in other pairs of the body;
  • Medication: the use of some medications, especially antibiotics, can weaken the immune system and thus facilitate the activation of herpes;
  • Hormonal changes: the most common are those related to menstruation, as well as pregnancy;
  • Extreme climates: intense exposure to the sun or sudden high temperatures can also increase the possibility of its appearance;
  • Food intolerances: sometimes, the body does not digest some foods well, such as gluten, lactose, soy, some nuts, some type of fruit, etc. These cases are difficult to detect as they are unlikely to show an immediate reaction;
  • Intestinal Infections: According to some research,  cold sores could indicate an inflammation or ulceration in some part of the bowel wall.

natural remedies

First of all, it is important to analyze the triggering factors to try to determine what is the cause of the viral outbreak.

However, if these triggers aren’t clear, you can try to fight each one of them until herpes becomes less and less frequent.

Here are some natural remedies that can help prevent and treat these factors:

  • Brewer’s yeast : this supplement works as a skin cleanser and, in addition, helps balance the nervous system;
  • Echinacea:  This medicinal plant is one of the best known when it comes to strengthening the immune system. It can be consumed for seasons, at times of the year more prone to disease or at times of change of season;
  • Propolis:  This natural antibiotic increases defenses and strengthens the body. It can be consumed or applied directly to the sore caused by herpes;
  • Psilium (Plantago psyllium ): if herpes is related to intestinal problems, a good option is to use this fiber of plant origin, which acts in regulation and facilitates transit without irritating the intestine.
Brewer's yeast for cold sores

In addition, it is also important to pay attention to the diet and evaluate the possibility of carrying out a food intolerance test.

In this way, by eliminating foods that are not well digested, not only will herpes be fought, but there will also be a great improvement in general health.

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