7 Simple Tips To Lose Weight After A Period Of Overeating

To lose weight we must set realistic goals and forget about miracle diets, as they often have a rebound effect. The ideal is to make a change in our way of perceiving food.
7 simple tips to lose weight after a period of overeating

Celebration dates, holidays, vacation trips… we often gain a few extra pounds in situations like these by overindulging in food and drink. However, losing weight after a period of overeating can be an easy goal if we follow this advice.

Discover in this article 7 tips that will help you lose weight without sacrifice and without going hungry.

lose weight with common sense

Miracle diets don’t make sense if what we want is to lose weight in a healthy way and avoid the rebound effect.

The important thing is to change some of our habits and temporarily eliminate some foods from our diet. However, it is essential to have willpower and perseverance to get there.

Some fast diets are actually detoxifications that we can do for a day or two when we overeat to get the digestive system back into balance.

7 tips for losing weight after a period of overeating

1. Take it easy

Lose weight

Don’t get obsessed with the idea of ​​losing weight in a week, as the important thing is to get used to your body and lose weight on a daily basis.

When we lose weight suddenly, our body goes into alert mode, in survival mode, which favors the accumulation of fat and some disorders, such as fatigue and irritability.

You should think about a period of 1 to 3 months to see satisfactory results. The big advantage is that you will also feel more energy and vitality, as well as a very positive mood.

2. Set a goal

Set a goal and avoid stepping on the scales every day.

There are many factors that influence our weight that can increase it on the scale, such as fluid retention or a gain in muscle mass. For this reason, don’t get obsessed with the scale.

It’s important to set a long-term goal that we believe we’ll feel good about.

3. Evaluate the dinner well

woman eating a salad

The meal you should keep your attention on to lose weight is dinner, as it gives us energy that we won’t waste. In this way, the calories we don’t burn are turned into fat stores.

Unlike breakfast and lunch, when we can eat more nutritious dishes, in the afternoon and evening we should choose light and digestible foods.

For example, carbohydrates are recommended during the day, while at night we can eat a portion of vegetables and a portion of lean protein.

4. Make three food lists

Before starting, take the time to prepare three food lists:

  • Green List: Healthy Foods We Can Eat Every Day. Vegetables, fruits, pulses, whole grains, oilseeds, seeds, eggs, fish, poultry meat.
  • Yellow list: Foods we can eat a few times a week. Red meat, dairy products, industrialized juices, wholemeal flours.
  • Red List: Foods We Shouldn’t Eat. Fried foods, sweets, breads, ice cream, fizzy drinks, refined flour, pre-cooked food, industrialized sauces, cream.

These lists must be customized with the foods we usually eat, to make it easier to choose each menu. We can leave them in the fridge.

One way to not eat any foods on the red list is to not buy them. So we won’t even have the chance.

5. Chew each mouthful well

eat healthy meals

That simple. Chewing each mouthful well allows us to enjoy the meal more, facilitates the digestion and assimilation of each nutrient and increases the feeling of satiety.

This is the easiest advice to put into practice, yet it’s one of the things we ignore the most.

6. Drink water outside meals

Drinking water throughout the day, apart from main meals, activates the metabolism and helps us lose weight more easily.

In addition, it improves digestion, eliminates toxins and fluids from the body and makes us eat less without going hungry.

7. Choose exercise well

woman doing exercises

One of the best exercises we can do to lose weight is not to spend many hours, but to do interval training.

In this way, we alternate short periods of time of medium intensity with brief rests, and we repeat it several times.

This allows us to tone up the body and burn fat with two or three half-hour sessions a week.

Did you like these recommendations for losing weight after a period of overeating? Put them into practice to see results!

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