Hyaluronic Acid: Beauty Can Be Produced

Did you know that, like collagen, our bodies produce hyaluronic acid and that we can stimulate its production if we follow a diet with the right foods?
Hyaluronic acid: beauty can be produced

Lately there has been a lot of talk about hyaluronic acid as part of the latest beauty treatments used by celebrities.

However, what many do not know is that it is an element present in our body and that it can be produced with healthy food.

In this article we tell you more.

What is hyaluronic acid and what is it for?

Wrinkle-free facial skin thanks to hyaluronic acid

Along with collagen, this acid is a great ally in the fight against wrinkles and the lack of vitality in our skin caused by the passing of time.

Hyaluronic is found naturally in our body and is present in most tissues, organs, cartilage and, naturally, in the dermis.

As we grow, the hyaluronic acid starts to decrease considerably.

From the age of 35 onwards, it decreases dramatically and this is noticed on the face and other parts of the body. The most prominent signs of the lack of this compound are aging, fine lines and sagging.

One of the main characteristics of this acid is its ability to retain water and moisturize the skin.

It gives a smoother appearance to the dermis and is perfect for ‘filling in’ wrinkles. Hyaluronic has been used in aesthetic medicine since the 1990s in the form of injections that help restore volume and a good appearance to the skin.

It is chosen by women who begin to notice the first signs of aging as, once it starts to become scarce, it is more difficult for the body to produce it by its own means.

The areas where hyaluronic acid is most needed are:

  • lip contour
  • Cheek
  • Nasolabial folds (on the sides of the nose)
  • Chicken feet (on the outer sides of the eyes)

How to get hyaluronic acid naturally

Woman with smooth skin thanks to hyaluronic acid

This acid, known as the “fountain of youth” is a very important nutrient that not only serves to reduce wrinkles and improve the skin, but also to strengthen the defense system and repair tissue damaged by wounds.

To compensate for the loss of hyaluronic acid caused by the passage of time, we recommend that you consume these foods:

Lean meats

Lean cuts of meat have a good amount of this nutrient. In addition, they help to produce collagen without having to undergo expensive surgeries and treatments.

Lean meats provide hyaluronic acid to heal wounds and strengthen connective tissues.

Add meat from:

  • Lamb
  • Cattle
  • Calf
  • duck
  • Peru


Gelatin and hyaluronic acid make skin younger

A food widely consumed in the summer, when we want to lose weight or for children. Gelatin has a lot of hyaluronic acid and is also fresh, nutritious and low in calories.

To improve tissue condition, consume a serving every day (can be accompanied by a fruit).

It’s good to know that the gelatin you eat won’t just be used to moisturize the skin as the metabolism will divide it between the joints and the synovial fluid.

However, it is an excellent source of this acid that we so desperately need.

Cod liver oil

It can be found in health food stores and, in addition to hyaluronic acid, it also offers vitamin A.

Together, these two components prevent premature skin aging,

They favor the production of collagen and reduce wrinkles. The dose needed is very small: one scoop daily.


Vegetables and hyaluronic acid contribute to wrinkle-free skin

Vegetables are a perfect source of nutrients and vitamins and also, of course, hyaluronic acid.

Among those that contain the most hyaluronic acid are potatoes and chard (they can be eaten together or separately). I don’t eat fries because the effect is the opposite of what was expected.

In addition, vegetables also have zinc, a nutrient needed to produce collagen.

Do not hesitate to consume vegetables with a good amount of vitamins and beta carotene, such as tomatoes, peppers, carrots and beets.


Certainly, in a list that serves us to lead a healthier life and have healthy and youthful skin, there is no lack of fruit.

Choose fruits that offer a lot of vitamin C because, in addition to producing hyaluronic acid, they strengthen eye functions, protect the skin from free radicals and promote wound healing.

The main sources of vitamin C among are citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit) and red fruits (strawberry, raspberry and cherry).


Herbs that help hyaluronic acid take effect

They add flavor and aroma to your dishes and at the same time provide your body with nutrients to improve your health and beauty. They’re perfect!

Choose to spice up your food with parsley, cilantro, rosemary and basil if you want to promote the recovery of the dermis, reduce wrinkles and stimulate metabolism.

Finally, we would like to highlight our body’s need for a good supply of magnesium to synthesize hyaluronic acid.

Where to find him?

  • Banana, apricots and avocado
  • Almonds, walnuts and cashew nuts
  • peas and beans
  • Sunflower seeds
  • tofu
  • Soy flour
  • Brown rice and corn
  • Milk

In addition to having a balanced diet and consuming foods that help produce hyaluronic acid, we recommend that you consume 2 liters of water a day and that you exercise.

This will help eliminate toxins that build up in the body and affect your skin’s health.

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