9 Motivational Phrases For Our Kids

Motivational phrases are tools that parents should use to encourage their children. We’ll let you know everything you need to know about it in the following article.
9 motivational phrases for our kids


What is motivation?

What is motivation?
Supporting children through life includes providing verbal support.

It is the motive or reason that leads people to perform or omit an action, and feel satisfaction. It is a psychological component that guides, maintains, and determines the behavior of human beings.

intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation happens when the person performs activities by internal stimuli, to satisfy his own need.

In case any difficulties arise, only if necessary, they will request the assistance of an adult to reach their goal. In this way the child will achieve personal satisfaction.

extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation happens when the person performs activities to satisfy a need motivated by external stimuli.

In the case of children, when an adult asks them to draw a picture, they not only want to do it well for their own satisfaction, but also to make their parents or teacher proud.

In carrying out this activity, the encouragement that motivated the child is external. Thus, she will experience personal satisfaction and acceptance, or approval from others.

Therefore, taking into account the importance of motivation, it is necessary to use motivational phrases to encourage your child to perform certain activities successfully.

Motivational phrases for our kids

Here you will find some motivating phrases that we can use with our children to improve their self-esteem.

1. “I’m proud of you”

2. “Keep practicing, and you’ll make it”

3. “Keep it up”

It is a phrase that, like the previous one, is related to moments of competition or obstacles that they will face during life. Telling him these two simple words will help you to have confidence in yourself .

You will also show them that they are doing well and that the effort is paying off.

4. “Now or never”

There are times when children must make decisions that involve fundamental changes in their lives. Telling him this phrase means that, regardless of the results, you will support him.

5. “Try again”

6. “What do you think? What do you think?”

7. ” All your questions are important”

8. “Thanks for your help.”

Give thanks
These phrases can strengthen family bonds.

This is one of the motivating phrases that greatly influence children’s lives.

9. “You can”

Children need to feel strong and secure


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