9 Foods To Clean Arteries And Veins

In order to promote the health of the arteries and avoid circulation problems, it is advisable to include in our diet foods that help us to clean the blood and keep cholesterol under control.
9 Foods to Clean Arteries and Veins

In recent years, there has been a considerable increase in the number of patients with cholesterol, triglyceride and artery blockage problems. As we know that many people are interested in the topic, next we want to reveal 9 foods that can help you clean arteries and veins.

Even though health and nutrition experts have been trying to draw our attention to it, many still ignore that, through their diet, they are doing themselves harm.

Most worrying of all, a sedentary lifestyle is making this type of problem worse, and unfortunately it is resulting in tragic consequences.

Thus, even though, at first, they are silent diseases, over time they compromise vital health functions.

Fortunately, some dietary changes have been shown to help clean the blood and remove waste products that clog the veins.

1. Garlic to clean arteries and veins


Garlic is one of the most used condiments both in gastronomy and in alternative medicine.

Its main benefits are attributed to an antioxidant substance known as allicin, which fights damage caused by free radicals and high cholesterol.

These sulfur compounds lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), considered one of the main causes of arterial blockage.

It is also rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and other substances that benefit circulatory and cardiovascular health.

2. Oats to clean arteries and veins

Daily consumption of oats is one of the best habits to preserve and improve heart health.

This food has complex carbohydrates and can absorb up to seven times its weight in water.

Since it is a natural source of soluble and insoluble fiber, its consumption decreases the ability of cholesterol to adhere to arterial walls.

In fact, it has been proven that those who regularly consume oats are less likely to suffer from overweight and obesity.

3. Cayenne pepper to clean arteries and veins

Cayenne pepper contains an active substance called capsaicin, whose antioxidant effect prevents bad cholesterol from oxidizing in the arteries.

Its regular consumption improves blood circulation, decreases the risk of thrombosis and helps control high blood pressure.

It is recommended for patients who are obese or at risk of heart attack and stroke (CVA).

4. Lemon to clean arteries and veins

Known to be one of the best natural sources of vitamin C, lemon is an antioxidant food that lowers high blood pressure and inflammation of the arteries.

Thanks to its essential oils, antioxidants and vitamins, it helps to clean the veins and remove excess lipids accumulated in them.

5. Pomegranate to clean arteries and veins

The phytochemicals contained in pomegranate are a powerful antioxidant that, in the body, protects the circulatory system from the oxidation of fats.

Its regular consumption decreases the build-up of plaque and the formation of blood clots in the arteries.

Best of all, it stimulates the production of nitric oxide in the blood to keep the veins dilated and at proper pressure.

6. Flaxseed to clean arteries and veins

Flax seeds are at the top of the list of so-called “superfoods”, as their nutritional properties are very beneficial to health.

They contain essential fatty acids, antioxidants, proteins and other healthy compounds that reduce inflammation and improve heart health.

It is an excellent source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which helps keep arteries free of plaque and lipids.

In addition, fiber binds to bad cholesterol particles to facilitate their elimination.

7. Olive oil to clean arteries and veins

Daily cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil is an excellent way to improve heart health, especially when you have high cholesterol.

This olive oil is a healthy fat and has less risk of oxidizing compared to other vegetable oils.

8. Avocado to clean arteries and veins

This delicious fruit with green flesh is characterized by its high content of fatty acids and antioxidants that fight free radicals.

Eating one serving a day lowers the body’s lipid levels, improves metabolism, and significantly lowers the risk of atherosclerosis.

9. Tomatoes for cleaning arteries and veins


This vegetable that we use so much in the kitchen has powerful antioxidants that reduce cholesterol levels and plaque accumulated on arterial walls.

By consuming them raw in salads or juices, we make the most of all their properties, even though the beneficial effects of lycopene, one of its antioxidants, are intensified when we cook tomatoes.

How often do you consume these foods? Try to incorporate them more regularly into your diet to enjoy all their benefits.

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