9 Alternative Uses Of Nail Polish

Nail polish has more applications than we think. Find out below 9 alternative uses that will make your life easier.
9 Alternative Uses of Nail Polish

There is currently a wide variety of nail polish colors. Although they were created to complement the feminine personal aesthetic and beautify the hands, there are some alternative uses of nail polish that are worth knowing.

If you are a curious person who likes to take advantage of most of the products you have at home, the following uses might be of interest to you. Check out!

Alternative Uses of Nail Polish

1. Eliminates warts

wart on finger

Clear nail polish is a home remedy to eliminate warts. Why? Very easy. The layer of varnish applied over the affected region prevents it from receiving oxygen, which helps to stop its growth and promotes its disappearance.

However, it must be emphasized that this is not a miraculous product. Depending on the frequency with which the application is carried out on the wart, the cure for the wart may take from days to several weeks.

Application procedure as a remedy

  • Wash the area with the wart with plenty of water and soap.
  • Dry thoroughly with a towel.
  • Apply clear enamel over the entire wart.
  • Let it dry for a few minutes and repeat the application 6 more times.
  • Cover the area with micropore tape.
  • Repeat the same procedure every day until the wart disappears.

Avoid using the same nail polish for other things. If you have already started using it for the treatment of warts, leave it exclusively for that.

Once you finish the treatment, it’s best to completely discard the enamel.

2. Serves to close your envelopes

Since it is not very hygienic to close envelopes with saliva, it is best to use a glue stick. However, we do not always have this product at home, so in case of absence, we can use a transparent nail polish.

Just apply the enamel over the edges of the envelope and press for a few minutes to close properly. Ready!

3. Greater durability of homemade labels

Labels for storing food

If you are one of the people who store food in labeled jars, either in the pantry or the freezer, this is one of the alternative uses of nail polish that will be of great help to you, especially in cases of high humidity or extreme temperatures.

Simply apply a layer of clear nail polish over the label. This way, you won’t have to resort to adhesive tape and you’ll be able to keep the written text in perfect condition.

4. Coverage for your vehicle’s scratches

Nail polish is also used to cover small marks on vehicle bodywork. Just make sure the enamel is the same shade as the car’s paint.

Apply several coats of nail polish until you notice the mark is completely covered. This is an easy and cost-effective alternative when damage is light.

5. Find the remote

Remote Control

Using a glow-in-the-dark nail polish will make it much easier to find the remote. Just apply a layer or two of your favorite color to one of the remote’s buttons and let it dry. This will make it much easier to find it when you’re watching television at night.

6. Thread the needle

Not everyone has the agility to thread the needle on the first try, so sometimes we need a little extra trick. In this case, we can resort to transparent nail polish.

Just apply a little on the end of the thread, because this way it will harden and you will be able to pass it more easily through the eye of the needle.

7. Differentiate keys with various enamel colors

colored keys

If for some reason you have a bunch of keys in your pocket and you always get confused, you can use nail polish to differentiate them and give them a more original touch.


  • Remove the key from the keyring and place it on a flat surface.
  • Take the nail polish of your choice and apply it over the base of the key.
  • Avoid painting the wrench teeth.
  • Be creative!

8. Cover for shoe peeling

As with car bodywork, another alternative use of nail polish is to hide the peeling spots on shoes. Choose the most similar shade and apply over the damaged area. Allow to dry and continue with the procedure until it is very uniform.

9. Extend the life of the jewelry

colored jewelry

You can also use clear enamel to protect your jewelry from oxidation or discoloration, or even apply a light layer to give it more shine. Apply the enamel over the pieces and let it dry.

As you can see, there are many alternative uses for nail polish. Therefore, take this product into consideration when dealing with these situations.

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