8 Tips For Getting Better Posture

It is important to control your posture at bedtime to avoid pain in the morning. The most recommended position is on your side with your legs slightly bent.
8 tips to get better posture

In addition to causing discomfort and back or headache pain, incorrect posture can lead to chronic and long-lasting problems, such as fatigue, herniated discs, and poor body alignment.

There are many causes for bad posture, however, fortunately, they all have a solution, provided they receive proper attention: overweight, low muscle tone, sitting in an incorrect position for a long time or even when walking can be solved with willpower.

An aesthetically stable posture is one that keeps the body aligned with as little energy expenditure as possible.

To achieve this, it is very important to ensure that the spine remains without any lateral deviation and that it does not bend, neither at its top nor at its bottom.

Many of today’s activities lead to the development of inappropriate posture which, over time, can cause many illnesses.

A sedentary lifestyle, prolonged use of electronic devices, poor sleeping position, among others, can lead to poor posture without being aware of it.

Fortunately, there’s some helpful advice to start improving your posture right now. Although the changes are noticed in the long term, this is one of the best benefits it can offer your body.

look at your posture in the mirror

It is very helpful to stand in front of a full-length mirror to try to correct your posture.

If you are already standing in front of the mirror, remember to distribute your weight evenly on both feet, lifting your shoulders and bringing them back a little so that they are level.

You will know that you are in the right position by drawing an imaginary straight line across the back of your ear, across your shoulder, behind your hips, over your knees, and across your ankles.

lean against the wall

Back pain

Another simple way to adopt a correct posture is to support your shoulders and glutes against the wall. To see if you have good posture, simply slide your hand between your hip and the wall.

If the hand does not enter or is tight, this indicates that your posture is leaning to the right. If the opposite happens and your hand finds too much room, this indicates posture problems.

when sitting

Make sure your back is straight, your shoulders are pointing back and down, and your feet are flat on the ground.

Remember, it’s not good to have your legs crossed for too long, as this can obstruct circulation and cause leg swelling or varicose veins.

when standing

The chest must be elevated and the abdomen active, as the abdominal muscles help to maintain a stable position. Your body weight should be distributed between both legs and your knees should be slightly bent.

at the time of walking

to walk

The head must be kept up and the neck held high. Avoid looking at the ground too long; this can cause neck pain. Be sure to step with the heel first and then move to the toe.

when sleeping

The best way to sleep is on your side with your legs slightly tucked in. This position helps keep the spine more correctly aligned and makes breathing easier, avoiding uncomfortable snoring.

Sit on the edge of a chair

To maintain perfect posture, especially when you’re at a job interview, many experts recommend sitting on the edge of your chair so that your back is straight and you can’t lean back against the chair.

To maintain balance with correct posture, keep one foot under the chair and extend the other forward.

Do exercises

Exercising is key to stretching your muscles and keeping them in optimal condition, which is important for good posture. It is recommended to walk, run, swim, do stretching exercises, among others, always taking care of posture.

Therefore, it is very important that people who sit for a long time take a break to stretch their muscles and check their posture.  The same thing should be done by people who have to remain stationary for a long time.

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