8 Ideas For Using Old Loaves

As long as your crusty bread is not more than 5 days old and has no mold, you can use it for various purposes, such as preparing delicious toast or breadcrumbs to bread other foods.

What do you usually do with old loaves? Certainly no longer used to prepare a tasty sandwich. Children don’t like it and we always prefer new foods. So, no matter the type, form, whole or tube, we end up throwing the old loaves in the trash.

Do you know what our recommendation is for today? Never throw the stale breads away! You will be amazed by the multiple options it offers. These are interesting ideas for your kitchen that, for sure, will be very useful. Find out with us!

1. Bread flour

Breadcrumbs made with old bread

Breadcrumbs are very useful for everyday dishes. But, for that, you don’t need to put stale bread in a food processor. You can cut it into slices and knead them well until you get a good amount of flour.

The most recommendable thing is that the breads are really hard, since, in this way, it is possible to obtain a much finer flour.

So, store the breads in a plastic bag for two days before using them to make your breaded, so they will be much drier and crunchy, and your recipes will be tastier.

2. Delicious French Toast

French toast made with old bread

Have you ever made French toast? Probably yes! They are delicious, so this is one of the tastiest options  when we have a loaf of stale bread or two at home. So, learn how to prepare them:

What does it take?

  • a tube of stale bread
  • 250 ml of milk
  • An egg
  • 40 grams of sugar
  • 20 grams of cinnamon
  • 40 grams of sunflower oil

How to make french toast?

  • First, mix the milk with the cinnamon;
  • Cut the bread into slices and then soak the slices in the milk mixture;
  • Then pass through the beaten egg, on both sides;
  • Finally, fry them in a skillet with preheated sunflower oil. Very easy! Now just throw a little sugar on top and taste it immediately. You’ll love!

3. Croutons of stale bread

Croutons made with old bread

This is one of the most original ways to use old breads. The croutons are perfect to accompany soups and creams, and also to make original garnishes on dishes. So how can we prepare croutons? Very easy! Take note:

What does it take?

  • Half a loaf of stale bread
  • Olive oil
  • Aromatic herbs such as thyme or oregano

How do I prepare my croutons?

  • Cut the bread into thick slices and then into squares;
  • Now fry them with oil. If you prefer, you can add some spice or medicinal plant to the oil, such as thyme or oregano. They will be tastier and, as a result, your dishes will be more appetizing;
  • When the croutons are golden, you can remove them from the pan;
  • Finally, use paper towels to remove excess oil. Ready! The croutons are ready to be included in your soups!

3. Canapés and original starters

Canapés made from old bread

First of all, this recipe is very easy and original. That way, with a little imagination, you can make fun canapés for your lunches or for those special occasions when something out of the ordinary is needed.

Therefore, there is no need to spend money on classic toast. Just follow the following recommendations:

  • Cut stale bread into thin slices;
  • Now, toast the slices for a few minutes in the oven with a little oil, pepper and oregano;
  • When they are golden and crispy, it’s time to add the mixture on top;
  • You can put, for example, pieces of salmon with avocado;
  • It is also very good with cherry tomatoes, celery, garlic and a little gorgonzola cheese on top. There are dozens of delicious ideas!

4. Garlic Bread: Delicious!

Garlic bread made with old bread

Garlic bread is very easy to prepare, so it will become an essential part of your daily life. Your family will love it and, without a doubt, it is one of the most delicious ways to reuse bread. Make a note of how to prepare it:

What does it take?

  • a loaf of crusty bread
  • 50 grams of butter
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • a handful of parsley
  • a little pepper

How to make?

  • Start by preheating the oven to 160ºC;
  • Now, cut the bread slices, without actually separating them completely, sinking the knife only halfway through the tube. Very easy!
  • Place the butter in the microwave to melt a little. Once liquid, add the crushed garlic, chopped parsley and a little pepper;
  • Then grease the bread loaf with the mixture. Make sure that each slice is well greased, taking care not to separate.
  • Then, cover the bread loaf with aluminum foil, then place them in the preheated oven;
  • Bake the tube for 6 minutes. After this time, take the bread out of the oven and remove the foil. Then re-insert the bread a moment longer. In five minutes everything will be ready. Allow to cool for a while before serving.

So, did you like any recipe? Certainly, any one of these options is easy and recommended. This way, you can reuse the old loaves whenever they pass between 3 and 5 days. After this time, check that there is no yeast or mold.

Generally, sliced ​​bread is the most perishable, so it’s best to use these suggestions with baguettes or the classic tubes, or French bread.

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