8 Great Exercises To Gain Strength

Having strong muscles is essential to be able to carry out everyday tasks. We will teach you some very simple but effective exercises to gain strength.
8 great exercises to gain strength

You went to the gym for a while, and even though you lost weight or gained more endurance, you realized that you lack strength. In this article we’ll talk about 8 great exercises to gain strength.

It’s not about getting the body of a bodybuilder and lifting 200kg weights, it’s about being able to go about your daily activities without a hitch. Check out our tips!

Exercises to gain strength

There are three issues to take into account to be stronger. We will tell you below:


Exercises to gain strength

Of course it couldn’t be missed. But be careful, because the practice must be integral and also include cardiovascular exercises such as running.

Your routine also needs to include muscle strengthening exercises.

It is not advisable to repeat the same series for many days, because the muscles get used to it and stop working, as well as dedicating yourself to only one muscle group, forgetting the rest.

For overall strength, you need to establish an exercise regimen that repeats every few days. For example, on the first day, work your biceps, triceps and pectorals; on the second day, the legs, back and abdomen, etc.


Another of the fundamental pillars to gain strength. Don’t forget that muscles need fuel to function properly.

Where does this “gasoline” come from? Of food! It is recommended to ingest 1 gram of protein for every pound of weight you have. Look for those foods that contain the greatest amount and add them to your diet.

On the other hand, you should consume 500 calories more than you need each day (which you’ll burn off with exercise later, don’t worry) so your muscles have plenty of energy.

Last but not least, do your best to eat healthily by including vitamins, minerals and protein in your diet. Fruits, vegetables and lean meats are your allies.


Rest is important to gain strength

The third of the essential elements to have more and more strength. Did you know that muscles work harder when you rest?

This is because, when training, you are actually “injuring them” and, to counteract these tiny wounds or overload, the body needs to rest. In the hours of sleep, they will reconstitute and get bigger.

Therefore, it is also necessary to allow several hours to pass between training sessions. It is not possible to spend all day at the gym, nor to exercise from Sunday to Sunday.

Allow the body to recover from the last session before moving on to the next.

The best exercises to gain strength

As you’ve already read, you need to perform a series of exercises to gain strength. We advise the most suitable:


Well-known squats can give you the strength and muscle mass you need in your lower body. There are two types: the frontal, which works with the quadriceps, and the traditional, for the hamstrings.

There are several muscles involved in the exercise, especially the stabilizers, or movement promoters. The squat position stimulates the fibers and allows more growth hormone to be produced.

lift weight

lift weight to gain strength

It strengthens dozens of muscles and allows us to work the body as a whole. The exercise starts with a barbell with no weights on the sides and then more resistance is added.

It is considered a true test of strength, because it allows the shoulders to be more able to support weight.

Dumbbell oars

They allow you to develop strength in your arms, back and shoulders. But they also serve to improve spinal posture and work the dorsal muscles, rhomboids and trapezius muscles.

To do them, take a small dumbbell and rest your outstretched arm on a chair. Bend your elbow so that the dumbbell is close to your face.


Push-ups to gain strength

They are an exercise that works the muscles in the upper body but also strengthens the legs. What develops most in this case are the shoulders and arms.

To do the push-ups, you should lie on your stomach on an exercise mat with your legs straight and together.

Rest your palms on the floor, a little wider than the distance between your shoulders, and lift your torso. The arms must be fully extended.

The toes are the second point of support after the hands. Bend and extend your elbows, bringing your head forward a little.


Also called a split squat. Exercise helps to strengthen the lower extremities and also improves the balance, stability and flexibility of the hips.

To make the sink, you must stand with your legs together. Step forward with your right foot and lower your hips toward the floor.

The knee cannot go beyond the imaginary line of the toe. The other leg is fully extended and supported on the fingers. The knee must not touch the ground. Once you have mastered the technique, we recommend adding a weight to each hand.

How to have more strength in my hands?

Strengthening your fists and fingers to gain strength will help you in your daily tasks. Some effective exercises are:

lift objects

For example, while watching television, you can take a bottle of water and raise and lower it by hand, “hanging” it from the sofa or table.

stretch with a rope

Exercises to gain strength in the hands

Put a rubber band between the two cuffs and spread them as much as possible and for as long as you resist.

move fingers

The times you type on the keyboard do not count. The exercises to strengthen the fingers are done with the arms stretched out in front of the body and include all types of movements.

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