8 Foods With More Fat

Fats are something necessary for our body. However, we must avoid unhealthy and harmful ones. Find out here what your main sources are and how to replace them.
8 foods with more fat

Can you name 8 fattest foods? It’s no secret that excessive fat consumption poses a health risk. It not only influences weight gain, but is closely related to disorders of the cardiovascular system.

However, few of us know which foods provide the most fat.

It is true that there are sources of “healthy fats” that provide many benefits for the body if consumed in moderation. The problem is that some don’t know about them and continue to choose foods high in harmful fats and calories.

More fatty foods

We must know the most fatty foods

Foods are made up of different types of nutrients, each with a specific function in the body. Fat sources, for example, influence energy gain, hormone synthesis and organ protection.

However, not all types of fat are the same, and this is where most of us are wrong. While “saturated” and “trans” fats are linked to cardiovascular disease, the “monounsaturated” and “polyunsaturated” types offer some benefits.

Therefore, it is convenient to know what are the “negative” fat foods and what alternatives exist to replace them without making the mistake of eliminating all the sources that supply them.

Let’s find out some more fatty foods and whether their usual consumption is recommended or not:

1. Vegetable oils

vegetable oils

The quality of fats in vegetable oils depends on the variety chosen. While some provide saturated and hydrogenated fats, others are sources of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

  • The least recommended are soy and palm. For its contribution of oleic acid and polyphenols. One of the healthiest is extra virgin olive oil.

2. Sauces and seasonings

One of the main ingredients in sauces and seasonings is vegetable oils. So it’s not surprising that more than 85% of its composition is fat.

  • To reduce consumption, it’s best to find homemade recipes with healthier alternative ingredients. Also, we must limit its presence in our foods.

3. Butter

Among the most fatty foods, we cannot fail to mention butter: it is made up of 80% fat, of which more than half is saturated.

It is an important source of cholesterol and its daily consumption can influence the onset of diseases such as hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis.

  • Vegetable margarine and dried fruit butters are some alternatives to replace it. Anyway, it’s better to minimize your consumption.

4. Margarine is one of the most fatty foods

It has a fat percentage similar to butter, but it does not provide cholesterol and its saturated fat content is lower.

However, when buying it, it is necessary to check the label to see if the chosen variety is free of trans fats.

5. Dried fruits

Dried fruits have healthy fats

Dried fruits and their by-products contain about 60% fat. However, unlike other foods, many of these fats are considered healthy and suitable for the diet.

  • Eating a small handful of nuts provides healthy fats that benefit cardiovascular health. However, their consumption should be moderate, as they can increase body weight.

6. Fish

Fish, especially blue fish, have a high content of healthy fats, including polyunsaturated omega 3 and omega 6 fats. In addition, they provide protein, B-complex vitamins and minerals such as calcium and iodine.

  • Eating fish frequently will help prevent cardiovascular disease. It will also improve eye health and our nervous system.

7. Sausages and meat products

Sausages are more fatty foods

Sausages and meat products are the main source of calories, saturated fat and cholesterol. Its inclusion in the diet causes overweight, hypercholesterolemia and other cardiac and metabolic complications.

  • On the other hand, lean meats, although they also contain fat, are the best alternative to replace them.

8. Cured cheeses within the most fatty foods

Cured cheeses contain less water in their composition and, instead, concentrate more lipids than other varieties. 40% of its composition is fat and most is saturated.

  • Low-fat cheeses are a good option. However, in terms of diet, many opt for goat cheese, whose number of calories is lower. The latter contains calcium and more vitamins than cow’s cheeses.

9. Chocolate

Due to its concentration of essential nutrients, dark chocolate has become popular as a health food. However, due to its high fat content, the risks of overeating remain high.

  • It’s not okay to eat a whole candy bar, because to enjoy its benefits, just eat about 20 or 30 grams a day.

Are these foods part of your regular diet? Do they contain healthy fats or harmful fats? Remember that, for both health and body weight, it ‘s best to reduce your consumption of fatty foods, especially if they are added to many dishes on a regular basis.

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