8 Foods That Energize The Body

Coconut oil, dark chocolate, oilseeds and chia, in addition to providing health benefits, act as natural energizers for the body.
8 foods that energize the body

Do you often include foods that energize the body in your diet? Thanks to carbohydrates, proteins and fats, our bodies receive the energy  needed to carry out all daily activities.

However,  if in a short time we feel tired ​, this ​​ is a sign that the body is asking for more “fuel”  to continue.

Energy drinks contain stimulants that effectively help reduce fatigue and fatigue, but their effect lasts for a short period of time.

So, it is best to invest your money in the following foods. In addition to being healthier, they will really give you the energy you need.

Foods that energize the body

1. Coconut oil

Due to its high content of medium chain fatty acids (MCT), coconut oil provides energy for the body.

It is also  recommended to fight a variety of health conditions, from simple infections to degenerative diseases such  as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

Traditionally carbohydrates were ingested before playing sports, but this trend is being altered by the intake of fats composed of TCM.

This is because glucose quickly reaches the liver to take refuge as fat, making it necessary to consume several amounts a day to metabolize it again and gain energy.

On the other hand, coconut oil continues to provide, little by little after ingestion, the necessary energy.

2. Oilseeds


Oilseeds are among the best foods that energize the body, both physically and mentally, due to their high magnesium content.

They are nutritious and contain a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, essential for the proper functioning of the body.

They lower bad cholesterol, reduce feelings of anxiety and stress,  helping to promote a feeling of well-being and a good mood.

3. Dark chocolate

As it is made up of 60% cocoa, dark chocolate is the ideal food to energize the body  and improve our mood.

It contains a good amount of minerals and proteins that help protect the immune system, working as an antioxidant and helping to increase the production of serotonin and endorphins  (happiness hormones).

This food should be consumed daily in a moderate portion, because, by abusing the intake, we can cause weight gain and other obesity-related diseases.

4. Sleeve


Mango is rich in vitamin C, calcium, copper, magnesium and potassium,  which together with the sugar they contain, help to stimulate the body and provide the energy it needs.

It also has benefits for maintaining good eyesight, normalizing blood pressure, and fighting outside germs that cause infectious diseases.

Likewise, mango  works as an antioxidant, improves circulation and, thanks to the fact that it is made up of a significant amount of iron, it is used to prevent and fight anemia.

5. Chia

Chia seeds

In addition to protecting the body from free radicals, serving as an antioxidant and providing a feeling of fullness for a long time, chia is a super energizer.

Contains omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and potassium.

It is used to prevent high blood pressure, reduce anxiety and, most importantly, to energize our metabolism.

6. Honey

With a spoonful of honey in the morning and another in the afternoon, you will provide your body with  vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and the energy it needs to eliminate fatigue.

Furthermore, in honey we can find the following beneficial properties:

  • It is effective for treating skin wounds due to its  antiseptic properties.
  • It produces a relaxing and calming effect  both physically and mentally.
  • Helps treat flu and cough.
  • Stimulates the proper functioning of the immune system.
  • Fight against constipation.

You can also use this product as a sweetener to include it in your daily diet.

7. Green tea

Green tea

Green tea contains a lot of caffeine, which helps to stimulate the nervous system. It is an antioxidant, antibiotic and blood circulation regulator.

Due to its diuretic action, it is recommended to eliminate excess fluid and cleanse the body. Stimulates metabolism and helps reduce excess body weight.

8. Banana

Bananas are an excellent source of energy. It is highly recommended for athletes as it contains magnesium, which strengthens muscles.

It provides carbohydrates and is rich in phosphorus, folate and substances with astringent action. It also helps with tryptophan,  helping to fight depression and emotional exhaustion.

Ready to include these body-energizing foods in your regular diet? You will not regret!

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