7 Ways To Use Vinegar In The Garden

Faced with different problems in the garden, many people do not know that they can have the solution in their own home. It is vinegar, a product with many advantages for the home.
7 ways to use vinegar in the garden

Many elements you have at home are suitable for functions other than those for which they were created. Vinegar, without a doubt, is one of them. Did you know that it can also be useful for your plants? We will show you in this article seven ways to use vinegar in the garden.

We often don’t know the properties of the elements we use daily and therefore we resort to chemicals as the first option to solve our garden’s problems. However, this is not always necessary. There is a natural product that can perfectly eliminate the disadvantages related to our plants: vinegar.

7 ways to use vinegar in the garden

1. As an herbicide

The main quality of vinegar is acidity; this is due to its high acetic acid content. Just as it causes chemical reactions when we ingest some of this liquid, it also happens when it comes into contact with plant tissues.

However, we must clarify that its effect occurs in the short term and, therefore, it will not be as effective as other products or even when pruning by hand. But it  can be very useful for weeding out small weeds, such as those that grow on tile joints, for example.

2. Vinegar as an antifungal

In addition to eliminating weeds, using vinegar in the garden will allow you to get rid of the fungi that are on your plants. Its effect is similar to that of baking soda: while baking soda increases the pH and creates an alkaline environment that prevents the proliferation of the fungus, vinegar lowers the pH and forms an acidic environment that is also unfavorable for fungi.

How to use it? A tablespoon of vinegar should be diluted in two liters of water and applied to the leaves twice a week  and after each rainy day.


3. Have more acidic soil

As we said earlier, vinegar lowers the pH of the medium; in this case we are going to use it for land. Just combine a cup of vinegar with a liter of water and spread it on the floor.

This procedure will provide two advantages: first, it  will be very positive for the growth of plants such as azaleas, roses, lavender, blueberries and gardenias,  which need acidic soils. Likewise, it will help the earth to release iron, a mineral that is very beneficial to plants.

4. Ant repellent

If an anthill has chosen your garden as a home, you can use vinegar to eradicate it. Simply spray this undiluted product over the anthill for a few days. Little by little, you will see that the insects will move away from there.

Of course, you can also do this in other spaces in the house. Vinegar is recognized as one of the most effective natural insecticides. Also, it has no adverse effect on our health.

It also works with other types of insects that can attack your plants. If you pour a little vinegar on the leaves, you can quickly scare away snails and slugs.

5. Fertilizer for potted plants

In this case, we’ll tell you a secret of using vinegar in the garden that will help you have healthier potted plants. Combine two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with three liters of water and drizzle with this preparation.  Results will be seen in no time!

6. Flower Vitalizer

If you like flower decoration in pots, vinegar can be your great ally. Thanks to him, the life span of the flowers will be longer ; you only need to add two tablespoons of this liquid and two more sugar to a liter of water. Then pour this mixture into the vase and place the flowers.

In the next few days, you should continue with maintenance. Approximately every 5 days, cut the flower stalks and change the mixture.

white vinegar

7. Remove Rust From Your Gardening Tools

Yes, using vinegar in the garden will not only be useful for your plants. Also, you and your work items can take advantage of your virtues.

If you are tired of working with rusty tools,  apply plain vinegar to them and presto, they will be clean after rinsing. Another good alternative is to dip the tools directly in pure vinegar. Either method is effective and simple to perform.

We can safely conclude that vinegar is the best ally we hide indoors. We often don’t know its benefits and therefore don’t take advantage of it as we should. It’s time to use it and take advantage of everything it has to offer.

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