7 Natural Ingredients That Make Your Hair Healthy

Although these products can help us eliminate bad smells and provide a pleasant fragrance, it is important not to overuse them so as not to overload the hair.

To show off healthy and beautiful hair it is important to take care of it daily. In addition, if possible, it is necessary to offer “extra” nutrients through masks and moisturizing products.

Every day we expose ourselves to many factors that damage our hair, such as environmental toxins.

Also,  we don’t always have enough time to wash it. Therefore, we may end up leaving traces of oil and substances to accumulate that the naked eye cannot see.

Thus, unpleasant odors arise that, even though we want to disguise it with shampoo, are difficult to completely neutralize.

Luckily, cosmetics and fragrances have been developed  to help keep your hair healthy and smelling delicious.

Added to this are certain natural options whose properties provide a similar effect without exposing the hair to chemicals.

Next, we want to share the most interesting ones so that you don’t forget to add them to your hair beauty routine.

7 natural ingredients that make your hair healthy

1. Tangerine essential oil for hair

Tangerine essential oil has a mild citrus fragrance that remains present throughout the day when applied to the hair. Not only does it help prevent the odor of sweat and grease, it also  provides vitamins E and B12, which are needed to induce healthy hair growth.

In addition, it also contains antioxidant substances that mitigate oxidative damage to  prevent dryness and premature whitening.

Best of all, it respects the scalp’s natural pH, so it doesn’t increase sebum production.

2. Jasmine essential oil

Not only does it have a delicious aroma, it also has nutrients that make it one of the best options for hair care.

Its properties deter excess fat production, reduce dandruff formation. In addition, they  help repair damaged fibers to prevent excessive shedding.

3. Rose water

rose water hair care

Rose water is a floral liquid whose astringent and moisturizing properties  regulate the pH of the scalp while curbing excess fat production.

It has a delicate and feminine scent that allows it  to maintain a pleasant sensation throughout the day.

Due to its high content of vitamins B and E, it is considered one of the most suitable products for keeping hair smooth and youthful.

4. Lavender infusion

Lavender is a plant with a powerful cleansing and relaxing effect that not only has a concentrated aroma, but also serves to prevent excessive shedding and loss of natural oils.

Its infusion can be used as a hair lotion to eliminate odors that adhere to the environment and, as well as providing shine to the hair.

In addition, it  can be used as a natural conditioner to avoid the annoying knots that make styling your hair more complicated.

5. Coconut oil

Considered one of the best hair care products, coconut oil has a sweet and pleasant aroma.

Its main benefits are attributed to its high content of medium-chain fatty acids that, right after application,  repair damaged hair and reduce dryness.

It has  antibacterial, antifungal and regenerative substances that eliminate the fungi that cause dandruff while revitalizing dry and dull hair.

Provides a lot of protein and serves to  strengthen the hair roots as well as prevent excessive loss.

6. Almond oil

The mild aroma of almond oil is useful to perfume hair that suffers from excessive dryness, breakage and fall out.

Its fatty acids  overcome the loss of oils in the scalp and help retain moisture to regain its strength and shine.

Thanks to its vitamin and mineral content, it represents a good option for smoothing the cuticle and controlling desquamation.

7. Lemon oil

Lemon essential oil has a long-lasting citrus scent that  reduces the smell of moisture, grease and other substances  that build up in the hair.

Its application increases capillary resistance and decreases permeability to control shedding and weakening.

Whichever product you choose,  use it in small amounts so as not to overload your hair.

Be encouraged to wear whatever catches your eye and discover that you can feel better when your hair smells more pleasant.

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