7 Medicinal Plants To Care For Bone Health

Regular consumption of some infusions can be of great help to alleviate different bone problems, such as inflammation or the action of free radicals in our joints.
7 medicinal plants to care for bone health

Taking care of bone health is extremely important. The bone system is a complex structure whose main function is to bring support and mobility to the body, allowing it to have a multitude of abilities.

It is joined by ligaments, tendons and cartilage  and, among other things, it interferes with the production of red and white blood cells.

In fact, it also acts as a storage for a large amount of essential nutrients and, therefore,  is closely related to immunological health.

The problem is that it is not exempt from developing diseases and, unfortunately, many external and internal factors can deteriorate bone health.

As a consequence, strong problems and inflammatory reactions  are generated  that, as they progress, significantly affect the quality of life.

However, these conditions can be avoided, as the practice of healthy habits and some natural remedies help to strengthen the bones.

In this article we want to share 7 medicinal plants that, due to their nutritional value, are ideal for bone health care.

Know them!

Plants that help us take care of bone health

1. Basil

Basil to take care of bone health

Basil is a popular plant whose calcium content is beneficial to take care of bone health.

This essential mineral  keeps bones strong and prevents the wear and tear  associated with aging changes.

  • Consume it in your salads and soups, or even in the form of an infusion.

2. Alfalfa

Alfalfa sprouts are rich in essential minerals that, after being assimilated in the body, strengthen bone health.

Its anti-inflammatory compounds  help to inhibit the negative action of free radicals  and also reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

It is worth mentioning that they also have effects similar to estrogens, which are crucial to prevent the loss of bone density.

  • This plant can be added to salads and natural juices.
  • Optionally found in pills and supplements.

3. Willow

Willow to care for bone health

Willow is a plant rich in salicylic acid, a substance with an analgesic effect that helps control bone problems.

Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant power restores bone health,  preventing mobility problems from appearing.

  • For this purpose, it is advisable to consume the infusion at most twice a day.

4. Dandelion

Even though dandelion is popular for its diuretic effects, it is worth mentioning that it also  has nutrients that benefit bone health.

This medicinal plant brings minerals such as calcium and magnesium, both necessary to maintain bone density.

Its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties improve circulation and  help maintain a good production of red and white blood cells.

  • Consume the plant as an infusion no more than three times a day.

5. nettle

Nettle tea to take care of bone health

One of the advantages of nettles has to do with its ability to  protect bone health from damage caused by free radicals  in the environment.

The plant contains large amounts of iron, calcium and magnesium, essential minerals that keep bones strong.

  • To take advantage of its properties we must consume two small cups of infusion per day.

6. Horsetail

Horsetail is a medicinal plant full of nutritional benefits that, after being absorbed by the body, benefits bone and joint health.

It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that  can facilitate the relief of pain, inflammation and other symptoms  that usually appear in these problems.

Its vitamins support the processes that synthesize collagen, a key substance to conserve bone and connective tissues.

Its compounds rebuild cartilage and prevent the wear and tear on bones when they touch.

  • Consume two to three cups of horsetail infusion a day, at least three times a week.

7. Chamomile

Chamomile tea to take care of bone health

Chamomile is one of the most popular plants within the catalog of natural alternative medicine.

Many use it for its analgesic and sedative power, ideal for reducing common illnesses.

What few people know is that it is  also good for bone health,  not only for its anti-inflammatory power, but also for its essential mineral content.

Its ingestion reduces the swelling that affects mobility and also  lubricates the cartilage and ligaments that join the bones.

  • Enjoy the infusion daily, up to three times a day.
  • Use it externally, in baths or compresses, in cases of pain and inflammation.

As you can see, there are several plants whose properties help keep your bones strong and protected.

Consume them regularly to take advantage of their properties as a preventative for diseases that affect bones.

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