7 Foods You Should Eat To Speed Up Hair Growth

Just as it is important to include in our diet foods that favor our hair health, it is essential to avoid all those that can be harmful to hair growth.
7 Foods You Should Eat To Speed ​​Up Hair Growth

If you want to speed up hair growth and don’t know what to do, pay attention, because maybe what you need is to change your diet.

In many cases, our food provides us with everything we need to solve our little problems.

1. Salmon

Salmon is a fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids, a nutrient that strengthens the follicles and stimulates hair growth.

Several scientific researches have shown that, if these acids are consumed regularly, for six months, the telogen phase is reduced, that is, the resting phase of the hair follicles after the catagen.

  • Therefore, consuming foods rich in omega 3 will help to reactivate growth.
  • In addition, salmon is also rich in vitamin B12 and iron, which also help with this task.

2. Chicken to stimulate hair growth

Chicken to stimulate hair growth

Chicken is a type of meat rich in animal protein, essential for producing keratin, a substance that makes up about 80% of the threads.

  • If you suffer from a deficiency of this protein for 2 or 3 months, the hair stops growing at its usual rate, and hair loss appears.

Other meats that can also be used to increase the consumption of animal protein are turkey and rabbit.

3. Almonds

This type of dried fruit is rich in vitamin E, a nutrient that helps to activate hair growth and strengthen it.

  • Just consume about 20 almonds a day to get up to 70% of the recommended daily amount of this vitamin.

They are also rich in several other substances that are highly recommended for hair, such as biotin, fatty acids and group B vitamins.

4. Oysters

Oysters improve our hair

Oysters are not only delicious, they are also great for our hair.

It is a food very rich in zinc, which helps our hair to grow faster and have more shine.

Just consume one oyster a day to get the recommended dose of this mineral.

If you can’t eat oysters every day, there are other options rich in zinc that are also very suitable for hair growth. For example:

  • Wheat
  • Liver
  • game meat
  • Pork

5. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in group B vitamins, ideal for promoting hair growth, as well as for improving the condition of the scalp.

  • To prevent hair loss, you will need to introduce pumpkin oil into your diet. Thanks to its properties, it is a great complement to combat problems such as alopecia.

6. Lentils

Lentils contain a good amount of iron, one of the essential nutrients to ensure healthy hair growth.

A serving of lentils contains approximately half the recommended daily allowance of this nutrient.

In addition, lentils are rich in zinc and choline, essential for normalizing blood circulation in the scalp.

7. egg

Eggs are one of the highest-protein foods we can find, as well as providing us with a significant amount of vitamin B12.

If you consume this food regularly, your hair will grow stronger than ever and very quickly.

Unrecommended foods for hair growth

Just as there are foods that can stimulate growth, there are others that we should avoid if our goal is to have healthy, strong hair that grows at a good rate.

They are processed, refined, and high in sugar and carbohydrate foods.

  • It is a series of products that cause swelling, alter hormonal levels and favor the appearance of infections caused by fungi, one of the causes of hair loss.

As for sugar, it is worth mentioning that it is one of the factors that, together with stress, can end up causing excessive hair loss, and even the rupture of hair follicles (and consequently causing a deficit in growth).

Although this does not mean that we should eliminate the intake of sugars, as they have other properties, it is good to take this into account.

We just have to know how to control ourselves and not overuse this type of product in the diet, and replace them with other healthier alternatives, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. Remembering that these healthier foods already offer us all the amount of sugar that the body needs.

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