7 Foods That Improve Brain Health And Mental Well-being

In addition to avoiding nutrient-poor foods and prioritizing the consumption of fruits and vegetables, it is also essential to stay properly hydrated to support our brain health.
7 foods that improve brain health and mental well-being

Brain health is just as important as physical health, although many do not even remember to give it the necessary attention.

Don’t forget that your brain works 24 hours a day, even when you sleep.

For it to work well, it’s important to feed it properly. Remember that everything you eat invariably affects your brain and how it works.

This means that if you only eat junk food or nutrient-poor foods , your brain will tend to have trouble working properly.

Next, find out what foods you should eat to keep your brain healthy.

1. Blueberries for Brain Health

One of the best foods for your brain health is blueberries.

In addition to being delicious, blueberries are rich in polyphenols, vitamin K, C and fiber.

Polyphenols help us to:

  • Improve the ability to concentrate.
  • Improve memory.
  • Eliminate accumulated toxins in the brain.
  • Combat degeneration caused by stress.
  • Fight and prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia.

2. Water

Drink lots of water to maintain brain health

No matter how many times we hear that we should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, a lot of people just don’t do it.

And they don’t know what a huge mistake they make, as water plays a key role in every aspect of our health.

  • By drinking too little water, the body becomes dehydrated and we become more likely to have a stress attack. This causes great damage to the brain.
  • To keep your brain in good condition, we recommend drinking 2 liters of water a day.

3. Avocado

Avocado is one of the most nutritious fruits for your brain health. It contains a large amount of vitamins (K, C, B, E) and omega 3 fatty acids, which facilitate the brain’s work.

The vitamin B9 content of avocados is exceptional for preventing blood clots.

Together, all of these nutrients help to:

  • Improve perception, memory and concentration.
  • Prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s.

4. Fatty fish

Fatty fish to maintain brain health

Thanks to fish, we get DHA, an omega 3 fatty acid that is one of the main components of brain synapses.

The lack of this type of fat can decrease brain performance and is related to dementia.

Fish rich in omega 3 are:

  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Sardine
  • Herring
  • Some species of eel
  • Mackerel
  • Swordfish

By consuming enough omega-3s, you can help your brain health fight and prevent problems such as depression, Alzheimer’s and dementia.

These diseases can be fought off because omega 3 produces enough neurotransmitters. These chemicals produce serotonin and dopamine, which have a profound impact on mood.

5. Complex carbohydrates

The brain needs energy, and it comes from the glucose generated by complex carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, vegetables, potatoes, etc.

Don’t be afraid of carbohydrates or believe that they are bad for you or the main reason for weight gain, as some people think.

You must learn exactly how much you need. Remember that it should be exactly what you burn so that your body doesn’t store the excess.

6. Whole grains

Whole Grains to Protect Brain Health

Whole grains are rich in amino acids and tryptophan, which is what the body uses to produce melatonin and serotonin.

  • Serotonin is known to be the hormone that makes you feel good, improves mood and promotes relaxation of the body and mind.
  • In turn, melatonin promotes and maintains the sleep cycle correctly.

In addition, whole grains not only help your brain health, they also provide energy to perform all of your body’s functions.

7. Broccoli

When it comes to brain health, broccoli is one of the best foods. Because it is rich in vitamin K, your memory will benefit greatly.

Broccoli also contains selenium, a mineral that helps to regulate anxiety, depression and fatigue.

The folic acid that broccoli contains can help delay or prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s.

Some habits that contribute to your mental health

It may seem obvious, but you must take the time and willingness to improve your brain health.

If you want to continue enjoying all that life has to offer, you must take care of your brain health. Follow these advices:

Take a rest

Sleep well to strengthen brain health

Not sleeping well and pushing your body to the limit will put you in an inadequate mental state. Rest is necessary and essential to maintain brain health.

Try to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

do new things

Not falling into monotony will be key to keeping your brain active and focused. Don’t limit yourself, explore all the possibilities and live each experience to the fullest.

This will generate a level of satisfaction and motivation that indicates a good mental state.

express what you feel

Friends help maintain good brain health

Sharing with others is the solution to many things: releasing loads, finding solutions, getting support, among many other benefits.

There is nothing worse than being lonely, friendless and not expressing your feelings. On the contrary: always want to cultivate good friendships, with trust and honesty; look for people with whom you can be yourself, fearing nothing.

Do exercises

Physical exercise will keep your body and brain in good condition. Thanks to the movement of the body, we release endorphins, which create a very healthy mood.

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