6 Tips For Starting A Low-fat Diet

A low-fat diet can not only help us lose weight, but it can also be our greatest ally to better health and prevent disease.
6 Tips for Starting a Low Fat Diet

Excessive consumption of fats is one of the main causes of excess weight, heart disease and other metabolic disorders. All of these problems can cause health complications and decrease quality of life, but we can avoid them with a low-fat diet.

While there are healthy fats that serve the body as an energy source, most people consume the saturated or trans type. Unfortunately, this has negative health effects.

The most worrying is that the  consumers are unaware of its presence in many food products in the market.  Therefore, they do not control the portions, nor the way to prepare them.

As a result, it is difficult to maintain a balanced and healthy weight, even if other healthy habits, such as exercise, are adopted.

How to start limiting fat consumption? What to do to have a healthier diet? While it’s not easy to change your diet overnight,  there are some simple tips that can make the process easier.

Put them into practice!

Tips for starting a low-fat diet

1. Reduce meat consumption

Red meat

It’s not about completely eliminating meat from your diet. In fact, this food is recommended as one of the main sources of protein.

The problem is that  many people tend to overeat them.  Also, choose cuts that contain fats that are harmful to the body.


  • Opt for lean cuts, free of large amounts of fat.
  • Avoid consuming very large portions.
  • When preparing meat, choose cooking methods free of oil or fat.

2. Avoid the sauces

Commercial sauces can be useful to improve the flavor of many recipes; however, overuse is discouraged as they contain too much fat and chemical additives.

We agree that they add a very tasty touch to the dishes. However,  its caloric content is high and can completely ruin your diet.


  • Avoid buying these products when you are in the market.
  • If you want to add sauce to your meals, prepare homemade sauces with organic ingredients.
  • Choose sauce recipes that do not contain added oils.

3. Replace ingredients

healthy fats

Many of the products that contain a lot of saturated and trans fats can be replaced with healthier, lower-calorie alternatives.

Why not replace them now? Although flavor and preparation may vary,  these options are a good way to improve your diet.


  • Replace the butter of animal origin with vegetable margarine, preferably “low in fat” or “ light ”.
  • Check the labels on the products you eat and avoid those that contain hydrogenated oils such as palm or soy.
  • Choose to cook with sunflower oil, canola or olive oil.
  • Consume skim milk or vegetable milk instead of whole milk.

4. Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables

Trans fats are commonly found in animal products. For this reason, in order to have a more balanced and low-calorie diet,  the ideal is to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

These foods are full of essential nutrients that benefit the body. They are quite filling and can handle those after-hours snacks that make the diet not work.


  • Consume 5 or 6 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
  • Try to consume them raw to make the most of all their properties.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables instead of commercial snacks .

5. Choose a healthy method of cooking

cook healthy meals

The cooking method also has a lot to do with the quality of the dish.  When there are too many fried foods, the consumption of fat increases and therefore there is a great interference in the effects of the diet.


  • Instead of frying your meals, prepare them steamed or baked.
  • If you’re preparing meat or vegetables, you can also grill them.

6. Eliminate processed foods

Stuffed meats, dumplings and industrialized breads are some examples of processed foods that should be excluded from regular eating.

They are delicious and are usually fresh most of the time; however, they  contain lots of saturated fats and have added compounds  that impair health and weight.


  • Replace processed ​​with organic foods (fruits, vegetables or whole grains).
  • If you want a healthy, energetic snack, eat a handful of nuts.
  • Increase your intake of water and healthy drinks ​​to keep you feeling full.

Are you consuming too much fat? Do you want to start improving your weight? Follow all these tips and start eating lighter and healthier.

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