6 Signs To Identify Thyroid Problems

Thyroid problems are more prevalent in women than in men and, in many cases, in adulthood. Follow the article to find out what its possible signs are and how to identify them.
6 Signs to Identify Thyroid Problems

Identifying if you have thyroid problems is not a very difficult one. Within this topic we can talk about two different types of problem: hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

The thyroid is a gland that aims to normalize metabolism. In general, it participates in many functions of the body, for example, releasing hormones that regulate heart rate, appetite and the speed of digestion of food.

Therefore, thyroid problems can cause changes in an individual’s health status. Complications with this gland occur with a higher incidence in women than in men and, in many cases, in adulthood. But, some signs can indicate possible alterations of this organ. However, in case of any doubts, you should consult your doctor to perform the appropriate exams.

How to identify thyroid problems

1. Sudden weight gain or loss

The thyroid allows you to control how quickly your metabolism develops. That is, the way the body works to get energy from the food we eat. This is done through the secretion of hormones.

To identify if you have thyroid problems, if you suffer from hypothyroidism, for example, you must first know that in these cases the weight gain is considerable, as the thyroid does not produce enough hormones for its normal functioning.

But, in cases where there is a sudden loss of weight, we have the development of hyperthyroidism, due to the excessive production of hormones.

2. Feeling tired and mood swings are also indicative of thyroid problems

Woman tired due to thyroid problems

Thyroid problems can impair mood and affect energy levels. In cases of hypothyroidism, fatigue is more noticeable, as it makes the person feel like sleeping. Even if you’ve had enough sleep, you may feel depressed.

However, when hyperthyroidism occurs, those affected suffer from irritability. As a result, they tend to feel stressed and have difficulty sleeping.

3. Swelling in the neck region

One of the most obvious symptoms to identify if you have thyroid problems is inflammation in the neck area. It happens because the thyroid gland enlarges, also causing throat discomfort, pain, or even dysphonia. Therefore, given this symptom, special attention should be given, as it may signify the presence of some type of risky pathology.

4. Changes in heart rate

Female doctor holding heart.
Heart rate is altered in cases of hiccups and hyperthyroidism.

The thyroid, in addition to regulating the rate at which calories are burned in our body, also controls the heartbeat. Therefore, thyroid problems, in addition to harming various organs of the body, make the heart more noticeable.

Depending on the type of condition, whether it’s hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, your heart rate tends to vary. In this case, a case of tachycardia may occur or the heartbeat may become slower than normal.

5. Thyroid problems can cause constipation

In cases of hyperthyroidism, where hormone secretion is low, body organ functions tend to be slower. An example of this is the malfunction of the digestive system. The digestion process will be affected, causing disturbances at the time of evacuation, in addition to poor absorption of nutrients from food. 

6. Discomfort in other parts of the body

Dry skin sign of thyroid problems

Other symptoms that are more visible in people who suffer from a thyroid condition are: drier, scaly appearance of skin, brittle and cracked nails, and sudden hair loss.

Some less visible symptoms of thyroid problems are: menstrual disturbances in women, excessive feeling of cold in different parts of the body, pain and discomfort in muscles and joints.

If you are suspicious of thyroid problems, act!

The symptoms mentioned above can be evidence of thyroid problems. However, it is always advisable to seek medical attention to obtain an accurate diagnosis of the possible problem.

It is advisable, especially in women, to have a hormonal check-up and to check the thyroid with your doctor every 4 years to get an early diagnosis of any possible irregularities.

Finally, in the case of women who decide to become pregnant, it is essential to have a medical analysis, as a thyroid problem can cause infertility and problems with conception.

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