6 Healthy Whole Grains Worth Including In The Diet

By including whole grains in our diet, not only do we get the same nutrients but, because they are more satiating, they help us lose weight, in addition to improving our intestinal transit.
6 healthy whole grains worth including in your diet

The consumption of healthy whole grains has skyrocketed in recent years, not only because they help to vary dishes, but also because they represent an important source of nutrients that benefit the body.

Although for many years there were myths about their consumption, today it is known that they  are fundamental to any healthy eating plan,  as they are a significant source of fiber and complete carbohydrates.

Thanks to these qualities, they  are one of the most valued energetic ingredients  and, in fact, they are considered essential for everything that has the purpose of losing weight.

The most interesting thing is that there are many varieties and, because of their flavor, they can be included in regular food combined with other ingredients.

So that you don’t miss out on its benefits, we’ll share in this article precious information about 6 healthy whole grains that shouldn’t be missing from your diet.

However, before making any changes in your diet, it is advisable to consult your doctor or nutritionist for advice, especially if you suffer from any type of illness.

Check out the list of cereals we suggest for you and try it!

Healthy whole grains that we should consume

1. Oats

We can include oats in the list of healthy whole grains
Oats are one of the most complete cereals, so it’s a good idea to include them in breakfast.

Also called  “the queen of cereals” , oats are a high-energy food that, due to its nutritional composition, deserves a main place in the regular diet.

  • It stands out for its significant content of slowly absorbed carbohydrates, which  help regulate blood glucose levels,  facilitating its transformation into energy sources.
  • It contains large amounts of dietary fiber, which  promotes control of bad cholesterol (LDL),  digestion and relief from food cravings.
  • It is an important source of B-complex vitamins, necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular system.
  • It helps improve the rate of metabolism and, as science has shown, protects cells from the effects of free radicals.

2. Brown rice

Although it is more common to find white rice on the market, it is essential to know that brown rice is the best alternative to enjoy 100% of the nutritional properties of this food.

  • It contains important amounts of B-complex vitamins, which  improve the functioning of the nervous system and the brain.
  • It is a significant source of magnesium, an essential mineral that participates in hundreds of biological processes in the body. Among them, it would improve sleep quality, according to a study published in Nutrients .
  • Its natural fiber improves digestion and prolongs satiety.
  • It optimizes the absorption of essential nutrients and  is good for taking care of cardiovascular health.

3. Barley

Barley and the health benefits

Barley is the fifth most cultivated cereal in the world and, although it is not suitable for celiacs, it is a low-calorie food that offers important nutrients to the body:

  • Contains vitamin B1 and B2, plus zinc, magnesium and dietary fiber.
  • It serves to improve digestion  and reduce the absorption of harmful lipids in the intestine.
  • It is one of the best natural remedies for hypercholesterolemia and high triglycerides.
  • Regulates intestinal transit  and favors the elimination of waste.
  • Recommended as a supplement to lose weight, as it  is satiating and energizing.

4. Whole rye

Rye is one of the healthiest cereals we can add to our regular diet, as it offers a lot of nutrients in exchange for fewer calories.

  • Its significant fiber content has demonstrated its ability to help improve high cholesterol by  preventing it from building up in the arteries.
  • Helps improve bowel movement, preventing disorders such as constipation.
  • It is recommended to regulate blood sugar levels  and reduce the risk of metabolic disorders.
  • Contains vitamin E and selenium, recognized for their antioxidant effect on the body.
  • It helps to improve mental performance and  reduces the risk of nervous and cognitive disorders.

5. Corn

Corn is a source of energy
In addition to other benefits, corn improves the skin because it helps to protect collagen.

Corn is a traditional food that has been used as an energy source thanks to its slow assimilation carbohydrate content.

  • It is valued for its high content of vitamins A, B and E, which  protect the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems.
  • Contains dietary fiber, necessary for proper bowel function.
  • Its antioxidants  help protect cells from the effects of oxidative stress.
  • It helps to protect the skin’s collagen, reducing the appearance of early signs of age.

6. Buckwheat

Buckwheat, also known as buckwheat,  is a food suitable for celiacs and gluten intolerant,  as it does not contain this protein.

  • It stands out for its significant content of high biological value amino acids, which  keep the body active and muscles strong.
  • It contains minerals such as magnesium and iron, both necessary for good blood health.
  • It’s low on the glycemic index, so it  helps keep sugar at steady levels.

Are you looking to consume more healthy whole grains? Once you know how important they are to your body, regularly include them in your diet and enjoy all of their nutrients.

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