6 False Beliefs About Exercise That Prevent You From Achieving Good Results

Exercising is always beneficial to our body. However, we should not fall into unfounded ideas that can make the practice of it not be carried out correctly.
6 False Beliefs About Exercise That Keep You From Achieving Good Results

Physical exercise is one of the most recommended habits for having an adequate body weight and, in fact, improving many aspects of health. Its regular practice combats the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle and is an effective way to say goodbye to excess weight.

In fact, spending just 30 minutes a day improves our body’s most important functions and improves mental health.

This is due to a series of false beliefs that have been shared for many years, which prevent them from reaching the goal no matter how hard they are.

Since many are unaware, below we will reveal in detail the main 6.

Discover them!

1. “The best time of day to exercise is…”

woman doing exercise with ball

A lot of people recommend exercising in the morning or at night because they say it is the best time to assimilate its effects in the body.

What is certain is that there are not enough studies to determine what is the ideal time to practice them or to say that at certain times it provides more benefits than at others.

The most important thing is to practice them every day, in a comfortable place and for as long as you have free time to do it.

2. “If it doesn’t hurt, you’re probably doing something wrong”

False! Physical pain is not synonymous with progress with the exercise routine and, in some cases, it can be an indication of an injury.

While it’s normal to feel pain after a demanding routine, not everyone perceives it in the same way.

By following this belief, many begin to exercise more than normal and strain their muscles until they are injured.

Because of this, it is recommended to always start with a low impact routine, 20 or 30 minutes, and slowly increase the demand until the body gets used to it.

3. “For a six pack abs you just need to do sit-ups”

woman doing abdominal exercise

Abdominal exercises are focused on toning the belly  and, even though they complement the routine, they are not enough to fight the fat that accumulates in this area of ​​the body.

First, you need to carry out a cardiovascular training plan, which includes activities to boost your metabolism and reduce excess fat.

It is also essential to review eating habits, since poorly prepared meals are usually the reason why it is not possible to reduce measures in this area.

4. “The more you sweat, the more weight you will lose”

A large number of people think that the more sweat you release during your routine, the more  body fat you  will be losing.

The truth is, this body reaction has nothing to do with weight loss and, in fact, varies from person to person.

Sweating is the body’s natural response to keep the internal temperature under control when performing these activities.

5. “Barbells make women more muscular”

Woman doing exercise with weights

Of course not! Dumbbell exercises are excellent for toning and improving the appearance of the upper body.

Its practice eliminates sagging arms, improves back health and increases energy expenditure during training.

To develop big muscles like the ones that bodybuilders display requires a volume of testosterone that women usually don’t have.

Instead, practicing them increases muscle strength, speeds up metabolism, and reduces the risk of joint and bone damage.

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6. “Stretching makes the body recover faster”

After sticking to a physical training routine, many people do stretching exercises to help their body recover faster.

Although it is relaxing and relieves the tension generated by each activity, there is not enough evidence to say that its practice accelerates the body’s recovery.

What could help at least to increase  flexibility, however, are prewarming exercises.

Have you ever heard some of these myths? Now you know the truth about each one, redo your training plan and get much more benefits from your practice.

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